The rapid global advancement in information and communication technologies including AI impacts societies beyond borders. To enable responsible and ethical implementation of new technologies on a global level, international exchange and cooperation are crucial. At a satellite symposium to the German-Japanese-French conference on “Generative AI: Pathways to Democratization, Transparency and Sustainability” two experts from Germany and Japan will introduce and discuss approaches toward the ethical use of AI.
Organizer: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo, German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo), Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE), Kyoto University
Date: October 21, 2024, (Mon)
Time: 17:00 – 18:45 (doors open 16:30) Symposium、
19:00 – 20:00 Networking Reception
Place: Faculty of Letters Main Bldg. Room 3, Kyoto University
Organizer(s): Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), DWIH Tokyo (German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo), Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE), Kyoto University
17:00-17:05 Opening Remarks
17:05-17:35 Keynote Lecture Prof. Dr. Judith Simon, Hamburg University “Human-Machine-Relations: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence – The Opinion of the German Ethics Council on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”
17:35-18:05 Keynote Lecture Prof. Dr. Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Nanzan University “Four Decades Since Moore (1985): What Was Computer Ethics and What Is AI Ethics?”
18:05-18:45 Moderated Discussion
19:00 Networking Reception
Website of the DWIH Tokyo (organizer): here
UNESCO世界論理デーの背景:(The Background of the UNESCO World Logic Day)
UNESCO世界論理デー(1月14日)を記念して次のPanel Discussion Sessionを開催いたします。2021年にCIPSHにより世界論理デー行事の推進が進められたのに伴い、本グループでも毎年ワークショップを開催しております。
Zoom会議形式、使用言語: 日本語
(Zoom Meeting, Official Language: Japanese)
日時:2024年1月14日 世界論理デー(日)14:30−17:00
参加無料です。事前登録が必要です。 (1月10日から当日直前まで登録可能です。)
日時:2023年12月17日(日) 13時から18時
場所:京都大学文学部 第3講義室 (ハイブリッド開催)
小出泰士 (芝浦工業大学 名誉教授)
蔵田伸雄 (北海道大学大学院文学研究院 教授)
横野恵 (早稲田大学社会科学部 准教授)
高島響子 (国立国際医療研究センター臨床研究センター生命倫理研究室 室長)
司会:児玉聡 (京都大学大学院文学研究科 教授)
日時: 2023年6月24日(土)〜26日(月)
場所:京都大学文学研究科 第3講義室(map8番の建物2階)
日時: 2023年7月14日:15:30~18:00
日時: 2023年3月14日午後2時から6時
場所: 京都大学文学部第3講義室、およびオンライン
児玉 聡 (京都大学) ・田中 美穂 (日医総研):
Ethical, legal, social, and historical aspects of ageing society and end-of-life care in Japan
Marie-José Gijsberts (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Ghent University) and Erik Olsman (Protestantse Theologische Universiteit):
People with an Intellectual Disability in the Netherlands: Ethics and Spiritual Care
浅井 篤 (東北大学):
Voluntary assisted dying in present-day Japan and urgent need for the discussion and dialogue
Joep van de Geer (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen):
Developing Compassionate Communities in the Netherlands
二国間交流事業共同セミナー「日本とオランダにおける高齢社会と終末期医療に関する倫理的・法的・社会的・歴史的側面の国際比較」(研究代表者:児玉聡 科研費課題番号JPJSBP220214403)
14時~14時50分:“Slaves to the algorithms? Algocracy and republican liberty”, Prof. Robert Sparrow (Philosophy, and ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making and Society, Monash University)
15時~15時50分:“RNA Therapeutics: Ethical, Social and Regulatory Aspects”, Prof. Catherine Mills (Monash Bioethics Centre)
16時~16時50分:“Collective accountability, social ontology and the totalitarian state”, Prof. Rein Raud (Tallinn University)
17時~17時10分 プロジェクト紹介(出口康夫)
Slaves to the algorithms? Algocracy and republican liberty (Prof. Robert Sparrow)
Increasingly, governments are relying on artificial intelligence to make, or inform, important decisions. In this paper I turn to republican political theory to evaluate the prospect of, what John Danaher has styled, “algocracy” and, in particular, the threat it might pose to the liberty of citizens. Republicanism implies that there are at least four different reasons to be concerned about government by AI. First, decisions made using AI will often be impossible for citizens to contest because the reasons for the decisions will be inscrutable, which calls into question the legitimacy of these decisions. Second, the inability of citizens to contest the outcomes of government decisions made using AI and/or the justification for the use of AI will render these arbitrary and inimical to liberty on a republican account. Third, overreliance on AI is likely to undermine civic virtues that are necessary to the defence of liberty. Fourth, AI is such a powerful technology that it may free governments from any fear of revolution. If we wish to benefit from the use of AI in government without sacrificing liberty, we must: ensure that decisions made by AI can be publicly contested; investigate ways to mitigate the impact of algocracy on the political culture of democracies; and resist the temptation to develop AI for applications that would grant governments too much power over their citizens. These are difficult challenges and in practice, I suggest, the use of AI in government poses a significant threat to liberty.
RNA Therapeutics: Ethical, Social and Regulatory Aspect (Prof. Catherine Mills)
The field of RNA therapeutics is set to disrupt the development, regulation and provision of medicinal interventions to prevent or treat disease. The best known example of an RNA-based intervention is the COVID-19 vaccines, but also includes highly specific cancer vaccines and other treatments for ultra-rare genetic diseases. In this paper, I discuss some of the ethical, social and regulatory implications of this disruptive field, focusing on questions of entrepreneurialism, equity and the potential development of truly personalised medicine.
Collective accountability, social ontology and the totalitarian state (Prof. Rein Raud)
Recent theories of the accountability of citizens for crimes committed by their state (Anna Stilz, Avia Pasternak) stress that such accounts can only be developed for democratic countries, where the citizens have a say in what the government does. However, the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war and the issues surrounding it (for example, the legitimacy of a tourist visa ban for all Russian nationals) have raised with some urgency the problem of how to discuss collective accountability in a totalitarian state. When we look at the philosophical discourses enframing contemporary Russia, we discover their remarkable resemblance to certain debates held in the 1930s and 1940s in Japan and the Kyoto school of philosophy in particular. I will argue that the social ontology devised by Tanabe Hajime and Mutai Risaku can help us to put this debate into a broader context, especially in comparison with contemporary theories of collective subjectivity (notably Raimo Tuomela). My talk will comparatively analyse these theories and present a tentative sketch of an account of collective accountability for the citizens of totalitarian states on their basis.
日時:2022年7月17日 (日)14:00-17:30
場所:東京工業大学 田町キャンパス キャンパス・イノベーションセンター1階 国際会議室(上限30名)。
共催:京都大学大学院文学研究科 応用哲学倫理学教育研究センター
14時 趣旨説明(出口康夫(京都大学))
14時10分-14時40分 田所昌幸氏(国際大学/慶応義塾大学)、質疑応答含む
14時40分-15時10分 坂出健氏(京都大学)、質疑応答含む
15時10分-15時40分 直江清隆氏(東北大学)、質疑応答含む
15時40分-16時00分 休憩
16時00分-17時30分 パネル・ディスカッション(執筆者も交えた意見交換)
17時30分 クロージングリマーク:眞島俊造(東京工業大学)
・日時:2022年8月19日(金)18:00~20:00、および 2022年9月10日(土)10:00~18:00
3月19日(土) 10:30-12:00
3月19日(土) 13:00-14:30
3月19日(土) 15:00-16:30
3月20日(日) 10:30-12:00
3月20日(日) 13:00-14:30
3月20日(日) 15:00-16:30
様相論理と言えばフレーム意味論(a.k.a.可能世界意味論)ですが、今回の講義ではその一歩先に進んで、様相論理の代数的意味論を学びます。主要な目標は、フレーム意味論にかんする様相論理の完全性定理の代数的一般化であるJonsson and Tarski’s theoremです。フレーム意味論よりも強力な代数意味論を通じて、様相論理への理解をもう一段、深めたいと思います。
哲学・論理学・言語学・計算機科学などを専門とする大学生以上を想定していますが、どなたでもご参加いただけます。前提知識としては、(1)様相論理の可能世界意味論に触れたことがある(拙著『3STEPシリーズ論理学』の4章まで読んだ、くらい)、(2) ブール代数について聞いたことがある、程度です。
Blackburn, de Rijke and Venema, Modal Logic, Cambridge U.P., 2001 (とくに第5章)
講義ウェブページ (随時情報更新しますのでこちらをチェックしてください):
冒頭挨拶 伊勢田哲治 13:00~13:05
第一部 FINEとは何だったのか
趣旨説明 伊勢田哲治 13:05~13:10
土屋俊 13:10~13:30
水谷雅彦 13:30~13:50
FINE 関係者によるフリートーク 13:50~14:30
コーディネーター 伊勢田哲治
登壇者 水谷雅彦 土屋俊 塩谷賢 坪井雅史 上村崇 江口聡 村上祐子 大谷卓史
休憩 14:30~14:45
第二部 「現代科学・技術・芸術と多元性の問題」の現在
コーディネーター 出口康夫
登壇者 三宅岳史 西村正秀 三谷尚澄 久木田水生
16:00~16:15 休憩
第三部 この子にしてこの親あり
コーディネーター 児玉聡
登壇者 奥田太郎 神崎宣次
閉会挨拶 出口康夫
「科学的実在論論争」(本書 第2章, 第5章に該当)に関する合評会
場所:Zoom 配信
「科学と価値判断」(本書 第3章, 第6章に該当)に関する合評会+全体討論
参加は無料です。11月14日(日)までに 以下のGoogleフォームからお申し込みください。11月17日(水)までに、参加URL(Zoom)を入力いただいたアドレス宛にお送りします。締め切り後も同じフォームからお申込みいただいてかまいませんが、対応できない場合がありますので、ご了承ください(前日にまとめて対応するつもりです)。録画配信はしない予定です。
* 表示名はなるべく氏名を表示してください。
* 通信負荷軽減のため、ご発言時以外は カメラ・マイクはオフでお願いします。
* ご質問は、フロアへ開かれてからお願いします。挙手のうえ、指名されてからご発言ください。
* チャット欄へご記入いただいたものも適宜とりあげる予定ですが、あまり長くならないようご注意ください。チャットでの議論は時間がかかりますので、応答への再質問などは、原則として割愛させていただきます。
* 批判的なコメントも歓迎しますが、著者へのリスペクトと他の質問者への譲り合いの精神を基調として、テーマへの関心に基づいた議論をお願いします。和気あいあいと、フランクな議論ができればと思っています。
企画: 大西勇喜謙(総合研究大学院大学)
後援: 科研費「科学的実在論論争の歴史的パースペクティブ上での再検討」(代表: 伊勢田哲治, No: 18H00604)
講師: 大西琢朗先生
日時: 2021年3月27, 28日
3月27日(土)、3月28日(日) 各日10:30-12:00および13:00-16:30
1. 自然演繹と証明の正規化
2. 意味論を作る:分子論と調和
3. 演繹推論の正当化
1. シークエント計算とカット除去定理
2. 双側面説
3. 論理的多元論へ
M. ダメット『真理という謎』、藤田晋吾訳、勁草書房、1986年.
M. Dummett, The Logical Basis of Metaphysics, Harvard University Press,
講師: 矢田部俊介先生
日時: 2021年3月13, 14日
場所: YouTube配信
3/13 午前1000-1200:ウソツキのパラドックス・傾向と対策(総論)
3/13 午後1400-1600:タルスキの真理定義とタルスキモデルの構成
3/14 午前1000-1200:デフレ主義的真理理論とヤブローのパラドックス
3/14 午後1400-1600:ヤブローのパラドックスと余帰納的定義
場所:京都大学文学部第三講義室(事前申込制) / YouTube同時配信(。参加費無料。
会場で参加される場合は、事前に以下のフォームよりお申し込みください (YouTube視聴は申込み不要です)。
長らく日本独自のSMの一形態として捉えられてきた「緊縛 (Japanese Bondage)」が、いま、現代アートとして新展開を見せ始めている。本シンポジウムでは、この「KINBAKU New Wave」の旗手であるHajime Kinoko氏を迎え、アジアや世界への展開を視野に入れつつ、京大の人文知を結集し、その意味と可能性を探る。
1. イントロダクション
2. 緊縛入門ミニ講義:緊縛からKINBAKUへ
3. 講演:緊縛ニューウェーブのいま + KINBAKUパフォーマンス
Hajime Kinoko(緊縛師) × あいみ(モデル)
4. 現代アートとしての緊縛
5. 緊縛の哲学:アジア的自己の観点から
6. 座談トーク
Hajime Kinoko × 藤峰子 × 山森真衣子 × 吉岡洋 × あなた
司会 出口康夫
場所:京都大学人社未来形発信ユニットセミナー室(map 7番の建物4階)
13:00-13:10 Opening Remark
13:10-14:00 Prof. Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto Univeristy) “Panchronic Self: The Temporal Mode of East Asian True Self”
14:10-15:00 Prof. Shinya Moriyama (Shinshu University) & Prof. Takeshi Sakon (Osaka City University) “Dōgen on Time and the Self”
15:00-15:20 Tea Time
15:20-16:10 Prof. Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan and Autónoma University Barcelona) “Presentness”
16:10-17:10 Prof. Akiko Frischhut (Akita International University) & Prof. Giuliano Torrengo (University of Milan and Autónoma University Barcelona) “Taste After Taste: The Temporality of Gustatory Experiences”
17:10-17:20 Concluding Remark
Supported by
JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Number 19H01187)
Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for Humanities and Social Sciences
主催:Colloquium for Philosophy of Time
講師: 大西琢朗先生
日時: 2020年3月21日(土)13:00-18:00、22日(日)13:00-18:00
場所: 京都大学文学部第8講義室(map34番の建物 地下1階。3/14,15に行われる「論理学上級I」と場所が異なるため注意) ウェブ配信のみ(21日のURLはこちら、22日のURLはこちら)
3月14,15日に予定していた論理学上級Iは、新型肺炎の感染拡大防止の観点から、教室での講義を取りやめ、ウェブ配信のみに切り替えます。あわせて講義時間も変更し、両日とも13:00-15:00, 15:30-17:30の2コマとします。3月21,22日の論理学上級IIも同様に、ウェブ配信のみで行います。こちらは時間変更はありません。
連絡担当:大西琢朗 takuro.onishi⭐︎⭐︎→@)
1. 様相論理のモデルと証明
2. 極大無矛盾集合
3. カノニカル・モデル
1. 理論(とくにprime theory)
2. 応用:直観主義論理
3. 応用:関連性論理
・小野寛晰 (1994)『情報科学における論理』第4章.
・G. Restall (2000) Introduction to Substructural Logics, Ch.11.
講師: 矢田部俊介先生
日時: 「論理学上級I」2020年3月14日(土)10:30-17:00 13:00-15:00, 15:30-17:00、15日(日)10:30-17:00 13:00-15:00, 15:30-17:00
場所: 京都大学文学部第6講義室(map8番の建物 2階) ウェブ配信のみ(URLはこちらから)
3月14,15日に予定していた論理学上級Iは、新型肺炎の感染拡大防止の観点から、教室での講義を取りやめ、ウェブ配信のみに切り替えます。あわせて講義時間も変更し、両日とも13:00-15:00, 15:30-17:30の2コマとします。3月21,22日の論理学上級IIも同様に、ウェブ配信のみで行います。こちらは時間変更はありません。
連絡担当:大西琢朗 takuro.onishi⭐︎⭐︎→@)
日時:12月12日(木) 13:00-17:50
場所:京都大学人社未来形発信ユニットセミナー室(map 7番の建物4階)
13:00 〜 13:05 Opening Remark: Prof. Yasuo Deguchi (Vice Provost, Director of the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Kyoto University)
13:05 〜 13: 45 Prof. Senlin Liu (The Dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
上帝之死的四個後果:以陀斯妥夫斯基質詢尼采 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Prof. Chin Ping Liao (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University) (in Chinese)
13:45 〜 14: 25 Prof. Tongli WU (Associate Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
論人工智能的主體資格 (in English)
Commentator: Prof. Jun Otsuka (Associate Professor of philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in English)
14:25 〜 14:35 Break
14:35 〜 15:15 Prof. Yuanyuan HU (Assistant Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
中國”東北型”農村跨國婚姻的誕生 (in Japanese)
Commentator: Prof. Wako Asato (Associate Professor of Sociology, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Japanese)
15:15 〜 15:55 Prof. Jianke NIU (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
互鉴视域下的日本神佛关系 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Prof. Roman Pasca (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Japanese)
15:55 〜 16:05 Break
16:05 〜 16:10 Group Photo
16:10 〜 16:50 Prof. Chinghui Su (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
On the Justification of Counterfactuals (in English)
Commentator: Prof. Takuro Onishi (Associate Professor, the Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Kyoto University) (in English)
16:50〜 17: 30 Prof. Jian CHEN (The Vice-dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
中國佛學對佛性與般若關係的協調:以禪宗與天台宗為例 (in Chinese)
Commentator: Dr. Chiyen Liu (Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) (in Chinese)
17:30 〜 17:55 Free discussions Chaired by Prof. Masayuki Sato (Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) and Prof. Okpyo Moon (Professor, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
17:55 〜 18:00 Closing Remark: Prof. Senlin Liu (The Dean of School of Philosophy and Social Development, Shandong University)
日時:12月1日(日) 13:30-17:30
場所:京都大学吉田キャンパス法経済学部東館8階リフレッシュルーム(map 5番の建物)
・ご挨拶 出口康夫様(京都大学文学研究科)
・報告 Indrek Ibrus様(タリン工科大学)
・コメント1 湯淺墾道様(情報セキュリティ大学院大学)(電子政府・投票について)
・コメント2 西正典様(ニッセイ)(サイバー・セキュリティについて)
・討論 司会 南和志様(大阪大学公共政策大学院)
・京都大学国際安全保障研究会(Kyoto University Security Studies: KUSS楠):学際融合教育研究推進センター・ライト・ユニット申請中
なお、本ワークショップの開催に必要な経費はすべて、京都大学学際融合教育研究推進センター「2019年度 分野横断プラットフォーム構築事業・百家争鳴」からご支援いただき、京都大学の学内規定に基づき支出されております。
日時:11月29日(金) 18:00-
Indrek Ibrus教授(エストニア・タリン工科大学)
・京都大学国際安全保障研究会(Kyoto University Security Studies:KUSS楠):学際融合教育研究推進センター・ライト・ユニット申請中
日時:10月1日(火) 17:00-19:00
17:00- 田中智之教授(京都薬科大学)「国内のミスコンダクト事例とその背景」
17:45- Prof. Tracey Bretag (University of South Australia) “The principles of responsible conduct of research”(逐次翻訳)
18:30- 質疑応答
共催:京都薬科大学、京都大学文学研究科 応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター(CAPE)、公正研究推進協会(APRIN)
日時:9月5日(木) 14:00-18:10、6日(金)10:00-16:30
場所:京都大学iPS 細胞研究所 第1研究棟 講堂(map57番の建物
申し込み:京都大学 iPS細胞研究所 上廣倫理研究部門のウェブページよりお申し込みください(締め切り:2019年8月23日)。もしくはsecretary.cape☆☆は@に置き換えてください)までご連絡ください。
共催:公益財団法人 上廣倫理財団
日時:7月29日(月) 16:00-18:00
場所:京都大学人社未来形発信ユニットセミナー室(「UKIHSS II」、4th floor of Bldg.7 of this map
16:00-17:00 Prof. Decha Tangseefa (Associate Professor of Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University) “Past, Present, Danger”
17:00-18:00 Prof. Kasem Phenpinant (Dean of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkom University) “Deflective Democracy: Thailand after Election”
Prof. Decha Tangseefa “Past, Present, Danger”
Ten years ago, the English version of my research on violence in Thailand’s deep south was published, entitled “Reading ‘Bureaucrat Manuals,’ Writing Cultural Space: The Thai State’s Cultural Discourses & the Thai-Malay In-between Spaces.” The article’s last paragraph invokes Walter Benjamin’s conception of history. Ten years after, picking up on where I left off in that publication, my Thai article – entitled “Past Present Danger” – elaborates on some key strands of Benjamin’s theoretico-philosophical concerns. It aims to present an alternative method for contemplating on violence in political society, especially that which relates to marginal people. Based on this latest article, this talk’s narrative is fourfold. The first three parts will discuss a series of interrelated problematiques by beginning with the intertwining relations of history, time, and the marginal. The second and the third articulate two sets of problematiques in Benjamin’s oeuvre. They are historiography, danger, and “the oppressed,” on the one hand, and cairo-logic, the “now-time,” and the Copernican revolution, on the other. The talk will end with a reflexive remark on what I name “death of the marginal?”
Prof. Kasem Phenpinant “Deflective Democracy: Thailand after Election”
Since the Thai junta leader returned to power as the prime minister after the general election, the current political situation has been entering a new crisis of democracy, along with the junta masquerading as a legitimate regime. Rather than ensuring stability, Thai politics confronts a new struggle over power, involving parliament, coalition government, and even military intervention. It entails a form of deflective democracy, that is, a regime of political power diminishes the functioning of democratic principles and institutions designed to guarantee democratic values. Deflective democracy occurs, when non-elected elites gain power over the elected representatives. It tends to form a parallel between authoritarian government and democratic decay.
京都大学 吉田キャンパス 本部構内 文学部校舎1階 第2講義室(map5番と8番の建物の間)
日時:6月19日(水) 15:00-18:00
場所:京都大学人社未来形発信ユニットセミナー室(「UKIHSS II」、4th floor of Bldg.7 of this map
15:00-16:00 Prof. Mark Siderits (Seoul National University) “Subjectivity without a Subject? Buddhist Self- vs. Other-Illumination Perspectives”
16:00-17:00 Prof. Yumiko Inukai (University of Massachusetts) “Cognitive and Affective Accounts of the Self in Hume”
17:00-18:00 Prof. Mickaella Perina (University of Massachusetts)“Self and Others, Self and World: Difference, Relationality and Opacity”
Prof. Mark Siderits “Subjectivity without a Subject? Buddhist Self- vs. Other-Illumination Perspectives”
Those who deny the existence of a self must answer the following question: if it only appears as though there is a self, to what does it so appear? Some Buddhist non-self theorists tried to answer this question by claiming that every cognition has two aspects—an object-aspect and a subject-aspect. To the objection that the subject-aspect sounds suspiciously like a self (as the subject of experience), these Buddhists replied that the two aspects of a cognition are strictly speaking one. The result was a theory of cognition according to which the content of a conscious mental state is self-illuminating. Other Buddhists criticized this account on various grounds. In my talk I want to explore the prospects of the alternative other-illumination theory, according to which a mental state is conscious only insofar as its content is available for processing by other mental states. Would this make us all zombies? And are Buddhas really Robo-Buddhas?
Prof. Yumiko Inukai “Cognitive and Affective Accounts of the Self in Hume”
Most discussions of Hume’s views of the self focus on 1.4.6, “Of personal identity.” This section is the only section in A Treatise of Human Nature in which Hume offers an extensive discussion of the self. In that section, interestingly, Hume makes a distinction between two ways of dealing with the problem of personal identity: “as it regards our thought or imagination, and as it regards our passions or the concern we take in ourselves” (T He discusses the former in Book 1, and the latter in Book 2. Hume clearly thinks that personal identity can be explained from two different perspectives. However, some might argue that there is inconsistency, or at least a gap, between his skeptical conclusion about the self reached in Book One and his appeal to the awareness of the self in his accounts of passions in Book Two. In this talk, I argue that the two views of the self in Book 1 and Book 2 are not inconsistent at all. The former is a minimal form of the self, the persisting self, and the latter, with the existence of the persisting self in place, arises with particular characters, sentiments, and narratives. I call Hume’s account of the self in Book 2 a “flesh and blood” account, because the self that emerges in Book 2 is not just a being with continuous existence (Book 1) but a particular, concrete individual that performs certain actions and has particular sentiments and characters.
Prof. Mickaella Perina “Self and Others, Self and World: Difference, Relationality and Opacity”
The concept of relation is central to conceptions of the self in Caribbean thought in general, and in Francophone/French Caribbean thought in particular. In this tradition identity is often conceived of as articulated to the other’s difference and the intricacies of subjective identification are understood in light of the Caribbean experience of colonization and creolization. This presentation addresses several debates regarding the existence of the self with an emphasis on relational conceptions of the self, the unity of the self (and threat to it), and opacity to others and to oneself.
2019年3月21日(木) 14:00~18:00
京都大学吉田キャンパス イノベーション棟5F シンポジウムホール
*本シンポジウムはJSPS科研費基盤研究(B)「「信頼」概念に関する国際比較研究:応用倫理・実験哲学的アプローチ」(16H03345 代表・水谷雅彦)の助成を受けたものです。
日時:2019年3月9日(土) 10:30〜16:30
10:30〜12:00 直観主義論理の自然演繹と推件計算(導入)
13:30〜15:00 古典論理の推件計算と証明論的意味論(双側面説)
15:00〜16:30 構造規則と部分構造論理
論理学上級I 「証明論的意味論と自然化された論理学の哲学」(矢田部俊介)2019年2月2日, 3日
論理学上級II「様相論理のシークエント計算」 (大西琢朗) 2019年2月9日, 10日
いずれも京都大学文学部第8講義室(総合研究2号館 南側地下1階)
論理学上級 I(矢田部先生)
2月2日(土)(10:30-17:00) 午前:自然演繹の体系の復習、午後:推件計算の体系と古典論理の証明論的意味論
2月3日(日)(10:30-17:00) 午前:記号体系の意味の理論と規範性、午後:規範性から人工知能と計算的論理観へ
論理学上級 II(大西先生)
論理学上級II 授業内容紹介
よく知られているように、様相論理を標準的なシークエント計算の枠組の上で定式化すると、たとえばS5にかんしては (シークエント計算が満たすべきもっとも重要な性質である) カット除去定理が成り立たなくなってしまう。また、たとえカット除去定理が成り立つ体系であっても、標準的な枠組の上での定式化はどうしても、元々のシークエント計算のスピリットからすると不自然なものに思える。というわけで、様相にかかわる推論を、元々のスピリットに沿った仕方で定式化できるような、新しい、拡張されたシークエント計算が必要である。この講義では、そのような拡張されたシークエント計算として、ハイパーシークエント計算、ラベル付きシークエント計算、ディスプレイ計算の3つを紹介し、それぞれの利点と弱点を概観する。余裕があれば、必然性と可能性という「正」の様相演算子に対置される、「負」の様相 (否定様相) 演算子を扱うシークエント計算についても紹介する。
参考文献 (事前に読んでくる必要はありません)
Brandom, R. (1998). Making It Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, and Discursive Commitment: Harvard University Press.
Negri, S. (2005). Proof analysis in modal logic, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 34: 507-544.
Poggiolesi, F. (2010). Gentzen Calculi for Modal Propositional Logic: Springer.
Poggiolesi, F. & Restall, G. (2012). ‘Interpreting and applying proof theories for modal logic,’ in Restall, G. & Russell, G. eds. New Waves in Philosophical Logic: Palgrave MacMillan, Chap. 3.
Wansing, H. (1998). Displaying Modal Logic: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
場所:立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 末川記念会館 第3会議室(
スピーカー:Dr. István Zárdai (Keio University)
タイトル:Intentional, Unintentional, Voluntary, Involuntary
アブストラクト:A large number of philosophers working on actions, mind and ethics have accepted since Donald Davidson’s ‘Agency’ that all actions are intentional under at least one of their descriptions. All such actions are rational in the sense that the agent performs them for a reason. They make sense to the agent and we can understand why the agent does them. I argue against this claim, and explore views, inspired by Aristotle’s and Aquinas’s positions, which deny that all action is intentional under at least one of its descriptions. Engaging with the work of Rosalind Hursthouse, Richard Teichman, John Hyman, and Hong Yu Wong, I argue that there are both intentional and unintentional actions, as well as non-intentional actions. Furthermore, actions can be unintentional and also voluntary or involuntary. And there is also a category of non-voluntary, arational actions. Many automatic movements belong into this last category. Hence, what counts as action is much broader than what we do for a reason, and as such, what is rational.
日時:1月11日(金) 13:00-14:30
場所:京都大学文学部校舎地下小会議室(No.8 of this map
Prof. Yumiko INUKAI (University of Massachusetts, Boston),
Prof. Yasuo DEGUCHI (Kyoto University),
Ms. Laÿna Droz (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)
Kyoto Workshop on Self I
日時:12月18日(火) 9:00-17:15
会場:京都大学楽友会館1階会議室(No.96 of this map
09:00–10:30 Denis McManus (University of Southampton) “TBA”
10:30–10:45 Coffee
10:45–12:15 Hibi Pendleton (Colgate University) “Ideals and Self-Clarification: Developing Iris Murdoch’s Concept of Vision”
12:15–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto University) “Self-as-We: From Entrustment of Somatic Agency to a Holistic Self”
15:30–15:45 Coffee
15:45–17:15 Graham Priest (CUNY) “Fictional Objects Fictional Subjects”
What’s So Bad about Dialetheism? From Historical, Logical and Philosophical Points of View
会場:京都大学楽友会館1階会議室(No.96 of this map
09:30–09:45 Opening of the conference
09:45–10:00 Anna Malavisic (Western Connecticut State University) “Beyond the limits of dialetheism”
10:00–11:30 Zach Weber (University of Otago) “Under the Routley Set”
11:30–12:30 Luis Estrada-González (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) “Dialetheists and other friends of contradictions”
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Colin Caret (Yonsei University) “Transconsistent Possibilities”
15:00–16:00 Roderic A Girle (University of Queensland) “Free logic and dialethic domains”
16:00–16:30 Coffee break
16:30–18:00 Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum) “One heresy and one orthodoxy. On dialetheism and the non-normativity of logic”
会場:京都大学芝蘭会館研修室1(Access information
09:00–10:30 Ricki Bliss (Lehigh University) “Reading Nagarjuna in New York”
10:30–11:30 Paolo Bonardi (University of Geneva) “Dialetheism and Rational Belief”
11:30–13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:00 Naoya Fujikawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Paraempty names and the strengthened paradox of ineffability”
14:00–15:00 Koji Tanaka (Australian National University) “One or many?”
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–17:00 Achille Varzi (Columbia University) “Boundary Contradictions”
会場:京都大学芝蘭会館研修室1(Access information
09:30–11:00 Denis McManus (University of Southampton) “Heidegger, dialetheism and all that is: On paradoxes, and questions, of being”
11:00–12:00 Francesco Gandellini (University of Turin) “Heidegger’s Metaphysics between Consistencies and Inconsistencies”
12:00–13:45 Lunch
13:45–15:15 Ed Witherspoon (Colgate University) “Later Wittgenstein on the Determinacy of Meaning and the Unity of Thought”
15:15–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–17:00 Graham Priest (CUNY) “A Logue”
日時:2018年 12月15日(土) 午後1時〜5時
13:00-13:50 Dr. Yu IZUMI 和泉 悠 (Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan 南山大学) ‘The Semantics of “Dojin”: A Philosophy of Language Approach to
Ethnic Slurs‘
14:00-14:50 Dr. Kanit SIRICHAN カニット・シリチャン (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand チュラロンコン大学)
‘What is the Content of Hate Speech?’
15:00-15:50 Dr. Ryogo YANAGIDA 柳田亮吾 (Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 大阪大学)
‘Hate Speech and (Im)politeness’
16:00-17:00 Discussion 共同討議
* Time schedule of presentation includes 30 minutes for the presenter’s talk and 20 minutes for questions and answers for each speaker.
Date: December 13, 2018
Time: 12:15-16:00
Venue: 京都大学吉田泉殿 Yoshida-Izumidono, Kyoto University (No. 76 of this map
12:15-12:30 Opening
12:30-13:00 Takuro Onishi (Associate Professor, Kyoto University):
Egocentric Language Revisited
13:00-13:30 Matthew Fulkerson (Associate Professor, UCSD):
Integrating the Self: Lessons from Peripersonal Space
13:30-14:00 Yumiko Inukai (Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston): A Constructed Self and Pure Experience in James
14:00-14:20 Break
14:20-14:50 Jonathan Cohen (Professor, UCSD): Many Molyneux Questions
14:50-15:20 Yasuo Deguchi (Professor, Kyoto University): Entrustment and Distribution of Somatic Agency: An Observation on Self, Part II
15:20-15:50 John Evans (Professor, UCSD): The Soul and the Self in Contemporary U.S. Society: William James 100 Years Later
15:50-16:00 Closing
Date: 22nd November, 2018
Time: 13:00-17:00
Venue: Meeting Room on the 1st floor of Faculty of Letters Main Bldg, Kyoto University (No.8 of this map
13:00-13:45 Roman Paşca (Kanda University of International Studies)
13:45-14:30 Takeshi Morisato (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
14:30-15:15 Pierre Bonneels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-16:15 Sylvie Peperstraete (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
16:15-17:00 Baudouin Decharneux (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
日時:2018年10月15日(月) 11:00-13:00
講演者:Juha Saatsi准教授(University of Leeds)
講 師:佐々木 和之
司 会:大庭 弘継(京都大学大学院文学研究科・研究員)
討論者:近藤 有希子(日本学術振興会・特別研究員(PD))
日 時:2018年10月25日(木)15時00分~17時00分
場 所:稲盛財団記念館3階 318号室(セミナー室)
問い合わせ先:ooba.hirotsugu.7x **を@に変えてください)
日時:2018年7月29日(日) 9:00-17:00
講演者:Ryo Ito (9:00-10:00), Naoya Fujikawa (10:00-11:00), Shinichi Takagi (11:00-12:00), Hitoshi Omari (14:00-15:00), Chi-Yen Liu (15:00-16:00), Yuuki Ohta (16:00-17:00)
* Professor Moore will give feedback to each presentation about his philosophy.
連絡先:Takuro Onishi, Filippo Casati
12:40-13:00 開会挨拶
13:00-14:00 小島毅(東京大学)
14:00-15:00 金泰昌(東洋フォーラム主幹)
15:00-16:10 休憩
16:10-17:10 中島隆博(東京大学)
17:10-18:10 片岡龍(東北大学)
18:10-18:20 閉会挨拶
日時:5月16日(水) 18:00-19:30
講演者:Mark Siderits教授(イリノイ州立大学)
題目:Vagueness and Emptiness
アブストラクト:Buddhists agree that the ordinary objects of our folk ontology are empty or devoid of intrinsic nature, and so not strictly speaking real. One possible way of supporting this claim is by appealing to phenomena connected to vagueness, such as sorites difficulties. I explore several different approaches to solving sorites difficulties, and propose an epistemic approach as the best way to support Buddhist ontological scruples.
15:00-16:00 小松原織香(同志社大学)「環境問題と紛争解決 –〈ディープ・エコロジー〉から〈修復的正義〉へ」
16:00-17:00 Yumiko Inukai(University of Massachusetts Boston) “The Minimal Self in Early Modern Philosophers”
17:00-18:00 Takashi Yagisawa(California State University, Northridge) “A Deflationary Conception of the Self”
日時:4月22, 23日
10:15 – 10:20 Opening Remark: 出口康夫(Yasuo Deguchi)
10:20 – 11:20
謝佩芬(Pei-Fen Hsieh) 「再現自我,抒懷傳史—宋代「自傳」之特色與價值研析」.
Commentator:緑川英樹(Hideki Midorikawa)
11:20 – 12:20
張文薰(Wen-Hsun Chang) Narratable Self: Taiwanese Literature and “Watakushi Novels.”
Commentator: 木津祐子(Yuko Kizu)
12:20 – 13:50 Lunch
13:50 – 14:50
林明照(Ming-Chao Lin) The Reflection of Self and It’s Ethical Implications in the Zhuangzi.
Commentator: 古勝隆一(Ryuichi Kogachi)
14:50 – 15:05 Break
15:05 – 16:05
呂佳蓉(Chia-Rung Lu) When “others” become oneself: pragmatic strategy of addressing self in Mandarin and Japanese.
Commentator: 平田昌司(Shoji Hirata)
16:05 – 16:20 Break
16:20 – 17:20
邱錦榮(Chin-Jung Chiu) The Aging and Divided Self: Shakespeare’sKing Learand Akira Kurosawa’s Ran.
Commentator: 桒山智成 (Tomonari Kuwayama)
18:00 – Dinner
9:15 – 9:20 Welcoming Remark: 南川高志(Takashi Minamikawa, Dean of Graduate School of Letters)
9:20 – 10:20
林于湘(Ivy Yu-Shian Lin) The Matrix of the Idea of Self, Its Polyphony, (Trans-) Contextualization, and Authenticity in Xingjian Gao’s Agenda (自我概念的矩陣:高行健美學中的複調、(跨)脈絡化與實相).
Commentator: TBA
10:20 – 11:20 梁益堉(Caleb Liang) Key Note Speech: Body-as-Subject in the Four-hand Illusion.
Commentator: 大塚淳(Jun Otsuka)
11:20 – 12:20 楊明蒼(Ming-Tsang Yang) Shielding the Self, Bordering the Liminal: Reimagining Heroic Identity in Beowulf.
Commentator: 廣田篤彦(Atsuhiko Hirota)
12:20 – 12:30 Concluding Remark: 梁益堉(Caleb Liang)
NTU-Kyoto program0422,23
お問合わせは大西琢朗 (文学研究科教務補佐員)まで。
Call for Papers:
The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics
‘Science, Technology, and Future Generations’
December 15-16 (Sat-Sun), 2018
Hosted by the Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
We are pleased to announce that the 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics will be held on December 15-16, 2018, at Kyoto University, hosted by the Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE) (
Invited speakers include:
Samuel Scheffler (New York University)
Philip Brey (University of Twente)
Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Tony Milligan (King’s College London)
We encourage paper proposals on the conference theme, but welcome other topics in the following areas (the below-listed ones are some of the examples, not exhaustive);
bioethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, intergenerational ethics, business ethics, information ethics, research ethics, animal ethics, food ethics, international ethics, war/military ethics, professional ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of technology
We also welcome panel proposals (3 papers for a 90-minute session).
Participants who wish to present papers are requested to submit a 300 word abstract with your personal details (name, job title, and affiliation) in a MS-Word file (.doc) to by May 13 (Sun), 2018.
Conference fees:
The basic registration fee required of all presents and attendees (including refreshments on the 15th and 16th) is 5,000 JPY for faculty members and post-docs; 2,000 JPY for students.
The optional conference dinner on the 15th is 5,000 JPY for faculty members and post-docs; 3,500 JPY for students.
We will announce how to pay the conference fee soon.
Accommodation: There are a wide range of accommodations available in Kyoto and its surrounding areas. Be advised that winter in Kyoto is a high season for sightseeing. Since room availability will be limited, it is important to book early both to save money and ensure a spot.
On Kyoto: Kyoto is a world-famous, fascinating city in Japan with a long history. For further details, please check the below-pasted URL:
All queries should be sent to
Conference Chair: Masahiko Mizutani (Director and Professor of CAPE, Kyoto University)
Coordinator: Shunzo Majima (Associate Professor, Hiroshima University)
The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics is hosted by CAPE, and co-hosted by the following five institutions/research groups (in alphabetical order);
Applied Ethics Center for Engineering and Science, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
Hiroshima University Project Research Center for Applied Ethics
Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics
Project Innovative Ethics, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University
The University of Tokyo Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law
日時: 4月2日(月) 16:30-18:00
場所: 京都大学文学部地下1階大会議室( の地図8番の建物)
講演者:Jeremy Gray教授 (The Open University, University of Warwick)
題目: The philosophy of Hermann Weyl
By 1910, the year he turned 25, Weyl was developing a finitist philosophy of mathematics, based on a logical theory of relations. He also believed that the human mind can understand ideas only sequentially. He developed this approach on his book The Continuum (1918), and for a time came close to agreeing with Brouwer’s intuitionism, but he abandoned them in the mid-1920s when he became involved in exploring the theory of Lie groups. He then had to turn back towards Hilbert’s ideas about mathematics and physics, and developed his own theory of what he called the symbolic universe in which mathematics and physics supported each other in complementary ways. Weyl sought a unified philosophy that would govern not only his scientific practice but be rooted in a theory of knowledge and an understanding of how it is acquired.
Jeremy Gray教授・略歴
Jeremy Gray is an Emeritus Professor of The Open University and an Honorary Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Warwick. His research interests are in the history of mathematics, specifically the history of algebra, analysis, and geometry, and mathematical modernism in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The work on mathematical modernism links the history of mathematics with the history of science and issues in mathematical logic and the philosophy of mathematics.
He was awarded the Otto Neugebauer Prize of the European Mathematical Society in 2016 for his work in the history of mathematics, and the Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize of the American Mathematical Society in 2009 for his contributions to the study of the history of modern mathematics internationally. In 2012 he was elected an Inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. In 2010 he was one of the nine founder members of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP).
He is the author of eleven books, of which among the most recent are Plato’s Ghost: The Modernist Transformation of Mathematics (Princeton U.P. 2008), Henri Poincaré: a scientific biography (Princeton 2012), and The Real and the Complex (Springer 2015). Two more books are to be published in 2018: Under the Banner of Number: A History of Abstract Algebra, by Springer, and Simply Riemann in the Simply Charly series of e-books.
1994年のルワンダ・ジェノサイドは、その犠牲者の多さと残虐さで、「人間の良心に衝撃を与える悲劇」とも称されています。そのルワンダで活動する、義肢制作を行う障がい者支援のNGO「ムリンディ/ジャパン ワンラブ プロジェクト」(Mulindi/ Japan One Love Project、以下ワンラブ)の共同代表であるルダシングワ夫妻をお招きし、講演会を実施いたします。
講 師:
(ムリンディ/ジャパン ワンラブ プロジェクト共同代表)
司 会:
大庭 弘継(京都大学大学院文学研究科)
近藤 有希子(日本学術振興会/同志社大学)
日 時:2018年1月12日(金)15時00分~17時00分
場 所:京都大学 稲盛財団記念館 3階 中会議室
対 象:どなたでもご参加いただけます
ooba.hirotsugu.7x **を@に変えてください)
1954年、ルワンダ共和国キガリ市ギソジ生まれ。幼い頃、病気の治療ミスのため、右足が麻痺した。1959年にルワンダで社会動乱が始まったころからベルギー出身のカトリック神父が設立した障害者施設で育ち、神父の「私がしたことに感謝する必要はない。その代わり弱者に対して手を差し伸べる気持ちを持て」という意思を引き継ぎ、現在の活動を進めている。1980年代に度重なる戦火を避けるためにケニアへ逃れパートナーの吉田真美さんと出会う。1994年の虐殺終結後にルワンダに帰郷。現在は、ムリンディ/ジャパン ワンラブ プロジェクト・ルワンダ事務所代表である。障害者に義肢装具を提供すると共に、障害者スポーツの普及に力を注ぎ、現在、2020年の東京パラリンピックに出場するため、日々練習に励んでいる。
1963年、神奈川県茅ヶ崎市生まれ。1989年にケニアの首都ナイロビにあるスワヒリ語学校に留学し、現在の公私のパートナーである、ガテラさんと出会う。足に障害を持つガテラさんからルワンダの大虐殺や障害者の状況を聞いて義肢装具士になることを決意し、約5年間の修行後、その国家資格を取得した。1996年にガテラさんと共にルワンダでムリンディ/ジャパン ワンラブ プロジェクトを設立し、義肢装具の製作や義肢装具士の育成、障害者スポーツの普及、障害者に対する職業訓練などの活動を進めている。
共 催:
協 力:
会場:京都大学文学部 第6講義室(文学部校舎2階)
チラシ:CAPE 人と動物の倫理研究会(第5回研究会案内)
講演 「畜産で今最もホットな話題―家畜の福祉―」 (1時間)
帝京科学大学アニマルサイエンス学科教授 佐藤 衆介
研究発表 「『動物福祉』概念の哲学的再検討」 (1時間)
京都大学文学研究科准教授 伊勢田 哲治
※ 講演および研究発表の後、それぞれ質疑応答・ディスカッションの時間(各30 分)を設定しております。
京都大学文学研究科准教授 伊勢田 哲治
京都大学文学研究科准教授 児玉 聡
⾧野工業高等専門学校一般科准教授 ⿁頭 葉子
講師: 帝京科学大学アニマルサイエンス学科教授 佐藤 衆介 先生
1949 年宮城県生まれ。1973 年東北大学農学部卒業。1978 年東北大学大学院農学研究科博士課程修了(農学博士)。宮崎大学農学部助手、同助教授、大学院農学研究科助教授、独立行政法人農業・生物系特定産業技術研究機構畜産草地研究所放牧管理部⾧、東北大学大学院農学研究科教授を経て、2015 年より現職ならびに東北大学名誉教授。応用動物行動学会会⾧、仙台市動物愛護協議会会⾧、財団法人日本動物愛護協会学術顧問等を歴任。
『動物福祉の科学』緑書房(共監訳、2017 年)、『動物行動図説』朝倉書店(共編著、2011 年)、『アニマルウェルフェア―動物の幸せについての科学と倫理』東京大学出版会 (単著、2005 年)ほか。
講演概要: 以下の4 つの話題を紹介する。
① 家畜福祉をめぐる国内情勢:東京オリンピック・パラリンピック2020 での畜産物調達基準の1 つに「アニマルウェルフェア(家畜福祉)」が入ったこと、および日欧EPA において非貿易的関心事項として家畜福祉が入ったことで、生産者団体と行政は対応に追われている状況を紹介する。
② 家畜の福祉をめぐる国際情勢:欧州連合(EU)は条約の中に家畜福祉の順守を入れることで、政策的に家畜の福祉向上を推進してきている。その流れはEU 各国の旧植民地、EU へ畜産物を輸出する国に急激に波及してきている。そのような状況を受け、国際獣疫事務局(OIE)は家畜福祉向上のためのグローバルスタンダードを作成し、それを最低基準とするISO 認証システムを成立させた。このような国際情勢を紹介する。
③ 家畜福祉倫理の科学的翻訳:1964 年「アニマル・マシーン」により家畜の福祉向上が提唱され、それ以降自然科学による翻訳作業が延々と行われてきている。科学的翻訳の現状を紹介する。
④ 正常行動発現の自由:これは福祉向上の主たる柱である。正常行動とは何かを解説する。
14:00-14:05 Opening Remarks
14:05-15:20 Ms Carissa Veliz (Oxford University), “The duty to protect one’s privacy and the ethics of encryption”
15:30-16:45 Dr Ryoji Sato (University of Tokyo), “Moral Significance of Consciousness and the Integrated Information Theory”
16:55-18:10 Dr Joshua Sheperd (Oxford University), “Disability and Well-Being: The Bad and the Neutral”
青山拓央氏の『時間と自由意志』は、時間と自由が織り成す哲学的問題の考察を通じて、世界の根本的なあり方の解明を目指す。この本の中心的テーゼは、「自由/不自由 」という馴染みの区別の背後には、「無自由(afree)」と形容できる、より根底的な次元が存在する、というものである。そして――著者によれば――この無自由こそが世界の根本的なあり方なのである。『時間と自由意志』は、この点の解明に向かう途上で、さまざまな問題(例えば世界の分岐に関する問題、脳と自由をめぐる問題、人称性と自由の関係についての問題)に取り組み、そのつど独位の議論を展開する。自由意志について長年探究してきた私の感想は次である。実にエキサイティング! 合評会をせねばならない!
青山氏の哲学的考察は――今回の著書からも見てとられうるが――分析哲学的な議論を背景としながらも、他の思想的伝統ともクロスオーバーしうる指向を具えている。この合評 会では、分析哲学における自由意志論を専門とする山口がコメンテータのひとりを務めさせて頂くが、それだけでなく、現代フランス思想を専門とする千葉雅也氏にもご登壇頂ける機縁に恵まれた。千葉氏もまた伝統の枠に囚われない思索者であり、登壇者の間でどのような化学変化が生じるかについては予測できない。だがいずれにせよ、当日の議論の深まりに関しては、自信をもって「ご期待あれ!」と言いたい。
合評会のタイトルは私の独断で「Afree, Be Free!」とした。「エイフリー、ビーフリー」と読むわけだが、確定した意味をもつ表現ではない。そもそも文なのか、たんなる文字列なのかも判明でない。だが、自由であることと無自由との関係の理解を深めることこそが『時間と自由意志』から私が受け取った贈り物であるので、この事実への指示をこめて上記のタイトルを選ばせて頂いた。
引用文の最後に、「自由とは何かという議論からいったん離れ」とありますが、今回の発表では、一人称 /二人称/三人称(脱人称)の三極から成る「自由」の新たな見取り図を提示します(同著第四章に対応)。そこでの議論が正しければ、脳が人間の行為を「決める」――人間は脳に操作された「不自由」な存在である――といった図式が正確でないことや、両立論的自由/自由意志(非両立論的自由)/不自由の三者択一が必須でないことが分かるでしょう(発表時間が許せば、この三者の真の対立項である「無自由(afree)」についてもお話しします)。
青山さんの考えによれば、「両立論的」自由は一人称性と、「リバタリアニズム的な」自由は二人称性と、そして不自由は三人称性と密接に関連している。いや、より厳密に言えば、これらはそれぞれ静的に対応しているわけでなく、むしろ(上記の原初的対応のもとで)両立論的自由‐リバタリアニズム的自由‐不自由といういわば〈自由様相の三幅対〉が具える動性が、一人称‐二人称‐三人称という〈ひと〉に関わる鼎的な関係のダイナミズムで解明されうる、というのが青山さんの考えである。例えば――青山さんが実際に行っている説明だが――本来的には二人称的なリバタリアニズム的自由がいわば一人称化されるときに、自己を「不可視的な〈起点〉生を伴う自由意志の主体」(同書201頁)と捉 える見方が生じたりする。このように、青山さんによれば、私たちが自由や不自由について考えること(そしてときに悩むこと)は、人称三角形の内部を運動することなのである。
これは独特の議論であり、得るところも決して少なくない。仮に『時間と自由意志』におけるこうした議論に対して不満があるとすれば、そこでの議論が高い抽象度でもって展開されており、《そうした自由や不自由が生の具体的な場面でどう実現されているか》があまり語られていない点である。いや、率直に言えば、私がこの点を気にしているのである。それゆえ本発表では青山さんの指摘をより具体的な視点から肉づけすることを試みる。すなわち、一人称‐二人称‐三人称という〈ひと〉の次元の抽象的な相に加えて、「芸術家」や「道徳家」といった〈ひと〉の次元のより具体的な相を考慮しつつ、自由の理解を深めたい、ということである。そこでは、創造的自由や道徳的自由などが語られ 、それらの内実に光があてられることになるだろう。
青山拓央『時間と自由意志』では、いわゆる非両立的自由としての自由意志を、他者の存在と偶然性とが織りなす構造体として捉えている。そこでは、「他者の内面は不可視である」ということが議論の中核である。他者の内面には、行為の見えない理由が想定される。そのように、理由を隠している存在としての他者が「私に移入される」ことが、私の自由意志(というイリュージョン)を生むのである。これは、私なりに言い換えれば、「理由の隠れのアウトソーシング」というような論法である。今回のコメンタリーでは、この論法が、フロイト-ラカンの精神分析における無意識の生成機序の説明に近いことを指摘した上で、精神分析のその文脈において重要な「イメージ」の概念を青山の議論にも導 入し(青山はこの概念を用いていない)、理由(および因果)とイメージの関係についてひとつの構図を提示する(ラカンに影響を受けたピエール・ルジャンドルの「ドグマ人類学」というプロジェクトにも触れることになるだろう)。そして、その構図において偶然性概念の意味を改めて問うことになる——偶然性とイメージはいかに関わるのか。
大阪朝鮮高級学校ラグビー部への3年間の密着取材をもとに制作されたドキュメンタリー映画『60万回のトライ』を上映後、朴思柔監督・朴敦史監督を交えて、Q & A と哲学対話を行います。
16:20-16:25 Introduction Prof. Taro Mochizuki (Osaka University)
16:25-16:40 Talk 1 Prof. Taro Mochizuki “The Japan-ASEAN Global Philosophical Research Exchange Laboratory”
16:40-17:10 Talk 2 Asst.Prof. Kasem Phenpinant (Chulalongkorn University) “The (De-) Construction of Southeast Asian Mind”
17:10-17:20 [Break]
17:20-17:50 Talk 3 Prof. Srinivas Kunchapudi (Pondicherry University) “The Structural Depths of Indian Philosophy”
17:50-18:30 Round table discussion
Chair: Prof. Taro Mochizuki
Discussants: Profs. Yasuo Deguchi, Kasem Phenpinant, and Srinivas Kunchapudi.
Prof. Piet Hut (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
YHouse: a research and outreach center in Manhattan for the study of consciousness.
I will give a brief review of our plans to establish a new center in Manhattan, which will combine academic studies broady with philosophy, art, design and technology. The main focus is on consciousness, in all its forms, from intelligence to self-awareness to cognition in general. To capture all of those we like to use the umbrella term “awareness”.
In the next ten years we will learn more about the mind-body problem, on a factual technical level, than humanity has learned ever since we developed language and rational thought. This poses two urgent problems: first, to synthesize all this new knowledge, and second, to let that integrated knowledge ripen into new forms of wisdom, sorely needed for our survival.
Our solution to the first problem is to take a long view, in three parts: past, present and future. We will trace awareness from its biological roots, four billion years ago; through its cultural roots, the origins of human civilization and its ongoing transformations; to its technological roots, in AI and robots, that are being developed right now, in the present and near future.
Our solution to the second problem is to reflect on this long view, using philosophy, in a broad sense of the word. Our aim is to reconceptualize the whole field of awareness or cognition, by reflecting on its various manifestations in nature, culture, and technology.
Dr. Yuko Ishihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth-Life Science Institute)
Consciousness is absolutely no-thing: On Nishida’s transformation of transcendental philosophy
Consciousness or awareness is a subject that is studied in various disciplines today including psychology, neuroscience and cognitive science. What all these empirical studies have in common is that it takes consciousness to be another thing in the world that can be observed and measured objectively. While such approach undoubtedly sheds light on certain aspects of consciousness, it cannot provide the whole picture. This is because consciousness is not just an object in the world but a subject for the world. One of the philosophical traditions that takes this idea seriously is called transcendental philosophy. Put in the language of transcendental philosophy, consciousness is the ultimate condition of possibility for our experience of the world. In this talk, I want to explore what the nature of such consciousness might look like by drawing on the philosophy of Nishida Kitaro. I will first present my interpretation of Nishida as a transcendental philosopher and then expand on the ways in which Nishida’s philosophy transforms certain aspects of traditional transcendental philosophy since Kant. In particular, I will focus on how Nishida’s notion of “the place of absolute nothingness” provides an understanding of consciousness neither as an object nor a subject, but rather, as absolutely no-thing.
Description of the event:
Ruth Ozeki is a novelist, filmmaker, professor of Smith College, and soto Zen priest. Her major works include My Year of Meats (1998), The Face: A Time Code (2006) and A Tale for Time Being (2013) that was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Interviewers are Jay Garfield (philosopher, professor of Smith College, Harvard University, and Kyoto University) and Kyoko Yoshida (scholar of American Literature, Professor of Ritsumeikan University). The interview is chaired by Yasuo Deguchi (philosopher, professor of Kyoto University).
The workshop is organized within a scheme of Topic-setting program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences (Global Initiatives), JSPS.
For any inquiry, please contact Takuro Onishi (research assistant) at
16:00–17:30: Damian Szmuc “Paraconsistent logics, Meta-paraconsistent logics and beyond”
17:30–17:45: Break
17:45–19:15: Masashi Kasaki “How Many Cartesian Skepticisms?”
This paper discusses paraconsistent logics, paracomplete logics, connexive logics and logics of formal inconsistency which deserve to be called that way not because of the properties they exhibit at the inferential level, but at the meta-inferential level. To achieve this goal, we use the framework of abstract consequence relations, due to Blok and Jonson. In doing so, we draw some connections between many-valued non-classical logics (as conceived by Bochvar, Hallden, Da Costa, Priest, Kleene, Dunn and
Belnap), on the one hand, and q-matrices and p-matrices (as conceived by Malinowski and Frankowski), on the other. This brings the opportunity to talk about what relates logical many-valuedness and inferential many-valuedness (as conceived by Wansing and Shramko). Finally, it also suggests the reasonability of asking, yet again, what exactly a logical system is.
Cartesian skepticism appeals to a skeptical hypothesis and makes a case for the claim that S does not know that the skeptical hypothesis is false. The claim, then, constitutes an important premise of the argument for the skeptical conclusion that S does not know most, if not all, of ordinary empirical propositions. Some argues that there are two radically different versions of Cartesian skepticism, depending on what skeptical hypothesis is at stake. One version of Cartesian skepticism invokes the brain in a vat
hypothesis or the evil genius hypothesis, and the other version does the dreaming hypothesis. There are several ways of demarcating these two kinds of skeptical hypotheses. First, unlike the brain in a vat hypothesis and the evil genius hypothesis, the dreaming hypothesis is compatible with the truth of ordinary empirical propositions. Second, while the possibilities envisioned in the brain in a vat hypothesis and the evil genius hypothesis are esoteric and far-fetched, those in the dreaming hypothesis are not. Third, it is even easier to establish as a genuine metaphysical possibility the dreaming hypothesis than the brain in a vat hypothesis or the evil
genius hypothesis.
Each of the three ways of demarcating the two kings of skeptical hypotheses entails that certain solutions to the skepticism with the brain in a vat hypothesis or the evil genius hypothesis won’t work for the skepticism with the dreaming hypothesis. If the first way is correct, the denial of closure cannot be marshalled against the skepticism with the dreaming hypothesis. If the second way is correct, the safety-based response to the skepticism with the brain in a vat hypothesis or the evil genius hypothesis does not fare well with the skepticism with the dreaming hypothesis. And yet, if the third way is correct, it is difficult to dispel the dreaming hypothesis as metaphysically impossible.
In this paper, I will argue that the three ways of differentiating between the two kinds of skeptical hypotheses are not well-grounded. Notice that even the brain in a vat hypothesis is compatible with, or even strongly, cannot contradict certain ordinary empirical propositions, such as there are computers, there are scientists, there are brains, and so on. On the other hand, the dreaming hypothesis includes some true ordinary empirical propositions.
Once the brain in a vat hypothesis is set up so as to include little true ordinary propositions, there is no reason to differentiate between the brain in a vat hypothesis and the dreaming hypothesis, and hence the first way fails. The same can be said of the relationship between the evil genius hypothesis and the dreaming hypothesis. Indeed, if the dreaming hypothesis includes less true ordinary propositions, then the possible worlds in which it is true are more distant from the actual world. Thus, the second way also fails. The same consideration is advanced against the third way. If my arguments are correct, one needs no distinct response to the skepticism with the dreaming
hypothesis. Good news!
京都大学文学研究科准教授 伊勢田 哲治
京都大学文学研究科准教授 児玉 聡
長野工業高等専門学校一般科准教授 鬼頭 葉子
京都大学大学院文学研究科 応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター(CAPE)事務局
★問い合わせ・申込は、直接会場の電話075-411-4970(特定非営利活動法人・紫明倶楽部)もしくはメールアドレス特定非営利活動法人・紫明倶楽部)に申し込んでください。あるいは、下記メールアドレス(探Q複数の視点で考えるカフェ)に連絡くださっても、OKです。 (探Q複数の視点で考えるカフェ、菊地建至)
ヨハネスブルグ大学のサディアス・メッツ教授をお招きして、下記の要領で公開講演会を行ないますので、ぜひご参加ください。メッツ氏は、『Meaning in Life』(2013 Oxford University Press)によって「人生の意味の哲学」の分野の第一人者と目されている研究者です。「生命倫理と生命の意味」という新しいテーマをめぐって講演と討議を行ないます。
Thaddeus Metz “Meaning in Life as a Bioethical Value”
Masahiro Morioka “Commentary: From the Viewpoint of Philosophy of Life”
Free discussion
主催:科学研究費基盤(B)「人生の意味」に関する分析実存主義的研究と応用倫理学への実装(北海道大学 蔵田伸雄)
京都大学大学院文学研究科 応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター(CAPE)事務局
13:00-13:10 「哲学カフェ」ガイド、会場の説明等【菊地】
13:10-14:05 「肉食は悪いことなのか」前半【呉羽】
14:05-14:15 休憩
14:15-15:00 「肉食は悪いことなのか」後半【呉羽、菊地】
司会 菊地建至(金沢医科大学/ 探Q複数の視点で考えるカフェ)
京都大学大学院文学研究科 応用哲学・倫理学教育研究センター(CAPE)事務局
講演 「エスニシティという視点から動物の生命について考える -台湾における動物供犠と狩猟」
国立民族学博物館 教授 野林 厚志
研究発表 「菜食主義批判の検討−日本人の植物観から考える」
関西大学非常勤講師 鶴田 尚美
京都大学文学研究科准教授 伊勢田 哲治
京都大学文学研究科准教授 児玉 聡
長野工業高等専門学校一般科准教授 鬼頭 葉子
発表者:藤川直也(首都大学東京 准教授)
発表タイトル:Plurality in Fictional Discourses
A fiction may describe a plurality without specifying the `dossier’ of each of its individual (atomic) constituents enough to distinguish them from each other. In particular, it may be the case that a fiction gives the exactly same characterization to each of the constituents of a plurality, as is described in Everett (2013). For example, `we are told in Tess of the d’Urbervilles that 16 policemen came to arrest Tess but we are not given any more specific descriptions of any of these policemen’ (Everett, 2013, p. 191). Let us call a plural fictional character without specification of each of its constituents a plurality with indiscernible constituents. In this paper, I develop a theory of pluralities with indiscernible constituents, based on nuclear Meinongianism (cf. Parsons, 1980) and non-idempotent mereology (cf. Cotnoir, 2015). Nuclear Meinongianism of fictional characters claims that a fictional character in a fictional story S is a nonexistent object x which has all nuclear properties x is characterized as having by S. According to non-idempotent mereology, a mereological sum can have one and the same object as its two or more different parts. Combining these two theories, I propose that `16 policemen’ in Tess of d’Urbervilles refers to a mereological sum which has one and the same nonexistent policeman as its 16 different parts.
Cotnoir, A. (2015). `Abelian Mereology’, Logic and Logical Philosophy, A. C. Varzi and R. Gruszczynski (eds.) Special Issue: Mereology and Beyond, 1-19.
Everett, A. (2013). The Nonexistent, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Parsons, T. (1980). Nonexistent Objects, New Haven: Yale University Press.
第一部 講演会 (14:00~15:30)
講演 市川家國(信州大学特任教授、CITI Japanプロジェクト副事業統括)
コメンテーター 樫則章(大阪歯科大教授) (もう一名調整中)
第二部 討論会(15:45~17:00)
公正研究の推進は、大学などの研究機関だけでなく、文部科学省などの政府機関、各種学会、その他の団体など、さまざまなアクターが協力して行う必要があります。しかし、これらのアクターの誰がどういう役割を担うべきなのか、また、その間の連携はどうするのかということについて国内ではきちんとした議論がなされてこなかったというのが現状です。今回の講演会では、これまでCITI JAPANプロジェクトを率いてこられ、またその活動を発展させる形で一般財団法人 公正研究推進協会(APRIN: Association for the Promotion of Research INtegrity)を立ち上げられた市川家國先生をお招きし、この問題についての市川先生のお考えを伺うとともに、よりよい役割分担のために何をするべきなのかをともに議論していきたいと考えます。
主催 挑戦的萌芽研究「研究公正の理念の学際的検討と日本的な研究倫理の構築」研究プロジェクト(代表 水谷雅彦) ・京都大学文学研究科応用哲学倫理学教育研究センター(CAPE)
後援 京都大学研究推進部研究推進課
14:30 – 15:10 佐金武 (大阪市立大学・哲学・講師)「ユーモアはなぜ哲学の問題になるのか」
15:10 – 15:40 高野保男 (大阪市立大学・哲学・修士2 年)「 絶対に笑ってはいけない」を考える
15:40 – 15:50 休憩
15:50 – 16:20 大畑浩志 (大阪市立大学・哲学・修士2 年)「カーニヴァル〈祝祭〉の笑い」
16:20 – 16:50 小原漱斗 (大阪市立大学・心理学・修士2 年)「心理学とユーモアの価値」
16:50 – 17:00 ラップアップ
(司会: 菊地建至(金沢医科大学/探Q 複数の視点で考えるカフェ))
This workshop aims to explore recent themes in the metaphysics of grounding and fundamentality. We would like to discuss issues pertaining to the nature and utility of the notions of metaphysical grounding and fundamentality, as well as related topics such as reduction, existence, truthmaking, material constitution, and the ontology of time.
September 10
Opening Address: Tetsuji Iseda (Kyoto University, Japan)
Session 1 10:15- 11:55
Chair: Tetsuji Iseda
10:15- 11: 00
1 PARK, Ilho (Chonbuk National University, Korea)
Epistemic Optimism: Credences and Accuracy
11:10- 11:55
2 Takehiro Aiba(Hokkaido University, Japan)
Does effect size really help frequentism?
Session 2 13:30-15:10
Chair: Shahidan Radiman
13:30- 14:15
3 Hsiao-Fan Yeh (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Interactivities in the Internal Contexts of Mechanisms
4 Xiang Huang (Fudan University, China)
Understanding the Cognitive Modes of Scientific Practices—A Review on Marx Wartofsky’s Historical Epistemology
Session 3 15:30-18:05
Chair: Wei Wang
15:30 -16:15
5 RHEE, Young E (Kangwon National University, Korea)
Is the Self an Illusion?
6 Hidenori Suzuki (Nagoya University, Japan)
Management and Authorship
7 Mohammad Alinor Abdul Kadir (Academy of Civilizational Studies, Malaysia)
Metaphysical Concept of Logic
September 11
Session 4 10:00- 11:40
Chair: Jun Otsuka
10:00- 10: 45
8 Shahidan Radiman (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia)
Some thoughts on science , universality and guiding principles
9 Insok Ko (Inha University, Korea)
Patiency as an Essential Part of Agency
Session 5 13:00- 14:40
Chair: RHEE, Young E
10 Wei Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
Methodological individualism and collectivism in the social sciences
13:55- 14:40
11 Hsien-I Chiu* and Hsiang-Ke Chao (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan) (*presenter)
Confirmation of Climate Models
Session 6 15:00-16:40
Chair: Mohammad Alinor Abdul Kadir
12 Min OuYang (Department of Philosophy, Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan)
Anti-realism and the Species Problem
13 Jun Otsuka (Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University, Japan)
A model-theoretic approach to the species problem
Closing note: Tetsuji Iseda
End of the conference
13:30-14:20 Dr. Eisuke Nakazawa and Dr. Keiichiro Yamamoto et al., “Ethics of Decoded Neurofeedback in Clinical Research, Treatment, and Moral Enhancement”
14:30-16:00 Dr Hannah Maslen, “Consumer Enhancement Devices and Regulatory Challenges”
16:10-17:40 Dr Jonathan Pugh, “Justifications for Non-Consensual Medical Intervention: From Infectious Disease Control to Criminal Rehabilitation”
DAY 1: Thursday, August 4th, 2016
14:45-15:30 Sho Yamaguchi: Consideration on Frankfurt Examples
15:30-15:45 Brief Discussion on Yamaguchi’s Lecture
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:15 Justin Coates: Introduction to Philosophy of Blame
17:15-17:30 Brief Discussion on Coates’ Lecture
17:30-18:00 General Discussion
DAY 2: Friday, August 5th, 2016
14:45-15:30 Sho Yamaguchi: Spinoza’s Ethics without Blame and Praise
15:30-15:45 Brief Discussion on Yamaguchi’s Lecture
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:15 Justin Coates: What Is Blame? Why Does It Matter?
17:15-17:30 Brief Discussion on Coates’ Lecture
17:30-18:00 General Discussion
自由意志と道徳的責任の問題は——粗っぽい言い方だが——哲学者および倫理学者が長らく気にしてきた事柄です。とはいえ、近年のいわゆる「自由意志と道徳的責任の哲学」においては、注目すべき関心の変化が存します。それは、「非難(blame)」という現象への関心が増大する、という変化です。だがここで言う「非難」とは何か、そしてなぜそれは問題なのか。こうした基本的な問いへ答えることをひとつの目標として、本ワークショップでは、近年出版された非難の哲学の優れたアンソロジー(*)の編者のひとりであるジャスティン・コーツ氏(ヒューストン大学・Assistant Professor)が、非難の哲学に関する入門的な講義を行なうと同時に、氏自身の立場も展開します。またオーガナイザーである山口尚(京都大学・非常勤講師)も自由意志・道徳的責任・非難をめぐる哲学的問題、すなわちいわゆるフランクファート事例に関する問題とスピノザの『エチカ』に関する問題を論じます。入門に触れたい方も、踏み込んだ論点を考察したい方も、奮ってご参加ください。なお、本ワークショップは、発表、質疑応答ともすべて英語で行われます。
(*) Coates, D. Justin, and Neal Tognazzini (eds.), 2013. Blame: Its Nature and Norms, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
When is it appropriate to blame someone for their conduct or character? To answer this question, we must think about the metaphysics of human agency. This is precisely what the traditional free will and moral responsibility debates have done. However, that’s not enough. We must also think about the details of our moral practices. Before we can know when it is appropriate to blame, it is essential that we understand what blame is and what its role is in our lives. In “What Blame Is, and Why It Matters,” I will focus on these essential details. As I understand it, blame can be manifested in a wide range of human responses to faulty or otherwise objectionable conduct. So it does no good to identify blame with a particular category of judgments, emotions, or overt actions. Instead, what separates blame from other responses to wrongdoing is that blaming responses serve to condemn how wrongdoers have exercised their agency. And it is this condemnatory function of blame allows it to play such an important role in regulating our lives together.
One of the most important questions in philosophy of free will and determinism is whether the Principle of Alternative Possibilities (PAP in short) is true or not. PAP says that an agent is morally responsible for his doing A only if he could have done otherwise. Famously, several philosophers including Harry Frankfurt tried to invent a clever counterexample of PAP, while other several philosophers opposed it and tried to prove that the alleged counterexample fail to rebut at least some version of PAP. There is not yet an established consensus. Recently, Derk Pereboom and David Hunt independently introduced a twist to the debate. According to them, their so-called buffer cases prove that the existence of alternative possibilities is not relevant to moral responsibility at all. My view is that, although their cases are apt to reject some version of PAP, there may yet be some versions of PAP which resist these cases. Particularly, I would like to suggest that, while Pereboom and Hunt succeed in negating a stronger type of PAP, there is a weaker type of PAP to which their buffer cases present no counterexamples.
I am always puzzled when I read Spinoza’s Ethics, because it seems to me that what the author is doing in that book implies a fundamental absurdity. In this paper, I explain what it is that I find to be fundamentally absurd in Ethics and consider if such a kind of absurdity ruins Spinoza’s central purpose in writing the book in question.
I would like to explain in what respect my consideration of this matter could be relevant to our current interest. In the on-going philosophical controversy about free will, several authors explore the possibility of ethical life without metaphysical freedom (Honderich 1993, Smilansky 2000, Pereboom 2001, Waller 2011). For, due to an enormous growth in the free-will skeptical discourse based on recent scientific discoveries (cf. a social psychologist Daniel Wegner’s well-known statement that conscious will is an illusion), the need of a conception of ethics least dependent on the existence of free will is increasing. Nevertheless, any attempt of developing the idea of ethics without free will tends to be absurd, as we will see later. One of the most urgent matters in philosophy of free will is thus, I suggest, to understand accurately why ‘ethics without free will’ would sound so absurd. My consideration of Spinoza’s Ethics in this paper is meant to contribute to deepening our understanding of the difficulty in elaborating a conception of ethics devoid of metaphysical freedom.
One of my central suggestions in the following is that the idea of ethics without free will tends to be absurd because of our familiar, common-sense conceptual connection, which would make us think that the ethically right and wrong ways of life must be morally praised and condemned, respectively. This ethical truism, however, Spinoza intends to rebut. I will, therefore, propose to interpret Spinoza as a radical revisionist who attempts to criticize our ordinary form of thought. What he is doing in Ethics is, I argue, not just recommending a right way of life, but rather bringing about a reformation in our way of thinking about ethical rightness.
Honderich, Ted, 1993/2002. How Free Are You? 2nd ed. at 2002, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pereboom, Derk, 2001. Living without Free Will, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Smilansky, Saul, 2000. Free Will and Illusion, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Waller, Bruce, 2011. Against Moral Responsibility, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Wegner, Daniel, 2002. The Illusion of Conscious Will, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Juha Saatsi(University of Leeds)
Timothy Lyons(Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
Teru Miyake(Nanyang Technological University)
Karen Yan(National Yang-Ming University)
Jonathon Hricko(National Yang-Ming University)
Minwoo Seo(University of Cambridge)
Rei Nouchi(Shinshu University)
Satoshi Kudo(University of Tokyo)
Tomoko Ishida(Keio University)
Yukinori Onishi(The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
ところが近年、この前提を否定する立場である道徳的個別主義(Moral Particularism)が注目されている(道徳的個別主義に関するサーベイ論文として、蝶名林(2014-2015)とTsu (2015)が挙げられる)。たとえば、蝶名林(2014-2015)によれば、この立場によって次のような複数の主張が行われているという(1002頁)。
1.道徳的な特徴(moral feature, 悪さ、正しさ、粗暴さ、勇敢さ、など)とそれをもたらす他の特徴や条件の間の何らかの一般性を示すものとしての擁護可能な道徳原理は存在しない。
・蝶名林亮 [2014-2015] 「道徳的個別主義を巡る論争 -近年の動向-」、Contemporary and Applied Philosophy、第6巻、
・Tsu, Peter Shiu-Hwa [2015] “Moral Particularism”, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (I use the date I accessed the IEP)
Shunsuke Sugimoto
(Senior Lecturer (Ethics), Faculty of Business Administration, Osaka
University of Economics, Japan)
Title: Particularist Reflective Equilibrium
Abstract: In my paper I examine whether moral particularism is compatible with the method of reflective equilibrium. Moral particularists claim that no moral principle plays any role in the justification of moral beliefs. Therefore, moral particularism is not compatible with the method of reflective equilibrium as a method of justification of moral beliefs where moral principle plays an important role. If the method is one “[m]ost contemporary moral theorists use”(Sinnott- Armstrong er al. [2010]) and “[v]ery many philosophers explicitly endorse”(DePaul [2006]), this incompatibility leads us to reject moral particularism (Tännsjö [1995]). Moral particularists might argue that we should reject the standard method of justification of moral beliefs(Dancy [1993] Bakhurst [2000]). The point is how moral principles work in the method of reflective equilibrium. However, most of the research on the method of reflective equilibrium have been focused on the roles played by considered judgement and moral intuition, but not moral principle. In my paper I examine Rawls’ and Daniels’ treatment of moral principles in the method of reflective equilibrium (Rawls [1971], Daniels [1979]). Then I propose an alternative component of reflective equilibrium, which plays the same role as moral principle, and show that moral particularists can accept the method of reflective equilibrium between the alternative component and considered judgment. My conclusion is that moral particularism is compatible with the method of reflective equilibrium.
本稿では, 道徳的個別主義と反照的均衡法との両立可能性について検討する. 道徳的個別主義者は,道徳的信念の正当化において道徳原理は何の役割も果たさないと主張する. したがって, 道徳的個別主義は,道徳的信念の正当化の方法として道徳原理が重要な役割を果たす反照的均衡法と両立不可能である.もしこの方法が「現代のほとんどの倫理学者が使う」方法であり(Sinnott- Armstrong er al. [2010]),「相当な数の哲学者たちが明示的に支持する」方法(DePaul [2006])であるなら,この両立不可能性は我々が道徳的個別主義を拒否すべきだということを示すだろう(Tännsjö [1995]). 道徳的個別主義者なら,むしろこの標準的な方法を拒否すべきだと言うかもしれない(Dancy [1993] Bakhurst [2000]). ここで論点になるのは,反照的均衡法において道徳原理が果たす役割とは何かである. しかし, 先行研究の多くは,反照的均衡法における熟慮された判断やそこに含まれる道徳直観の役割しか注目しておらず, 道徳原理の役割には注目してこなかった. 本稿ではまず,ロールズやダニエルスが反照的均衡法において道徳原理をどのように位置付けたかを検討する(Rawls [1971], Daniels [1979]). そのうえで, 反照的均衡において道徳原理が果たす役割と同じ役割を果たすような、道徳原理の代替となる構成要素を提案し,それと熟慮された判断とのあいだでの反照的均衡をとる方法は個別主義者が採用できるものであることを示す. したがって,道徳的個別主義と反照的均衡法は両立可能であると結論づける.
Ryo Chonabayashi
(Part Time Lecturer, Faculty of Literature & the World Language
Center, Soka University, Japan)
Title: Particularist Moral Explanation: A Lesson from Naturalism?
Abstract: Particularists make many negative claims, such as that there are no defensible moral principles, that moral principles in fact mislead us about the moral status of each situation and by following them we may make many moral mistakes, and so on. In the literature, there have been relatively many debates on these negative claims made by particularists. But particularists also make some positive claims, such as that moral knowledge is possible without employing moral principles, that moral education is possible without referring to moral principles, and so on. In this paper, I shall consider one of those positive claims, namely the claim that we can provide moral explanations of particular moral facts without moral principles. One worry about this suggestion is that explanation in general supposed to provide us with some sort of informativeness, but such informativeness is usually provided by law-like generalizations or principles which are denied by particularists. A conclusion one can reach from this reasoning is that particularists cannot provide moral explanations which are informative in a plausible way. In this paper, I shall consider how particularists can respond to this worry. The line of response I shall consider is inspired by the recent naturalist reply Dowell and Sobel provides in response to the objection Parfit raises against non-analytic naturalism.
Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu
(Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Title: Shapelessness and Conceptual Incompetence: A Limited Defense of
Shapeless Moral Particularism
Abstract: On some interpretation, moral particularism is construed as a doctrine committed to a shapeless thesis: the moral is shapeless with the natural. (Call this version of moral particularism ‘shapeless moral particularism’). In more detail, what the shapeless thesis amounts to is this: the actions a moral concept can be correctly applied to have no natural commonality (or shape) amongst them. In favor of the shapeless thesis is a family resemblance view of moral concepts. Against the shapeless thesis, Jackson, Smith and Pettit(2000) contend that the family resemblance view does not provide adequate support. Moreover, they contend that the shapeless thesis will lead to an absurd consequence that no one can ever be competent with moral concepts. A reply on behalf of shapeless moral particularists has been made by Dancy. I will argue, however, that it is untenable. Instead, I will defend shapeless moral particularism by pressing a McDowellian response-dependent objection against Jackson et al. Although this will not prove shapeless moral particularism to be right, it will, at the very least, undercut the force of Jackson et al.’s attack on it, and, in this sense, provide a limited defense of it. At the end of this paper, I will strengthen my defense of shapeless moral particularism by arguing that Jackson et al.’s attempt to undermine family resemblance view’s support for the shapeless thesis is not successful.
タイトル「無形性と概念の行使能力:無形の道徳的個別主義に対する限定的な擁護 」
ある解釈では, 道徳的個別主義は無形テーゼ,すなわち道徳は自然と区別されて形作られていないというテーゼにコミットする教義として理解される(このバージョンの道徳的個別主義を「無形の道徳的個別主義」(shapeless moral particularism)と呼ぼう). 詳しく言えば, 無形テーゼは次のようになる. 道徳的概念が正しく適用されうる諸行為は,
それらのあいだで自然的〔性質における〕共通性(あるいは形)を一切もたない. この無形テーゼに反対して, Jackson, Smith and
Pettit (2000)では, 家族的類似性の見解は〔このテーゼに〕十分な支持を与えないことが論じられている. さらに, 彼らは,
無形テーゼは, 誰もが道徳的概念を行使する能力をもちえない, というばかげた帰結を導いてしまうと論じる. 〔そして,
〕無形の道徳的個別主義者を代表してダンシー(Dancy)が〔これに〕応答してきた. しかし, 私は, ダンシーの応答が維持できないと論じる.
その代わりに, ジャクソンらに対して反応依存性に訴えるマクダウェル的な反論を出して, 無形の道徳的個別主義を擁護したい. この擁護は,無形の道徳的個別主義が正しいことを証明するわけではないが, 少なくとも, それに対するジャクソンらによる批判の力を弱め,
その意味で無形の道徳的個別主義に対する限定的な擁護になるだろう. 本稿の終わりでは,家族的類似性に訴えた見解が無形テーゼを支持することを掘り崩そうとするジャクソンらの試みが成功しないとも論じることで,
Part 2 (16:30-): Lecture by Prof. Robert Sparrow: Should we ban “killer robots”? Could we?
Abstract: In July this year, an “Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers” on the topic of “Autonomous Weapons”, signed by a number of very high profile engineers as well as thousands of other researchers, was presented at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Buenos Aries. In this presentation, I will briefly survey and assess a number of arguments that have been made as to why the development and use of autonomous weapon systems should be prohibited by an international convention. While I am somewhat sceptical about the particular arguments highlighted by the “Open Letter”, there are, I will argue, a number of good reasons for supporting such a ban. However, even if a ban on the development of these systems is desirable, it remains an open question whether it is possible. I will therefore also discuss the challenges involved in evaluating and regulating robotics research, much of which is “dual use”.
(This presentation will draw upon and develop arguments made here: and here: )
来る11月25日(水)にTamra Lysaght先生とJustin Oakley先生をお招きし、下記の要領でセミナーを開催いたします。内容が確定次第順次情報を追加してまいります。
Accelerating Regenerative Medicines in Japan: Challenge or Opportunity for Stem Cell Science?
Abstract: In 2014, the Japanese National Diet introduced sweeping new laws aimed at promoting the clinical translation of stem cells and regenerative medicine. The basic action of these laws is to allow the early introduction of stem cell and cell-based products into the Japanese market before they have been demonstrated in formal clinical trials as safe and effective. Through conditional approvals, commercial sponsors will be granted time limited licenses to market these products while efficacy trial data is gathered. At the same time, medical institutions will be allowed to conduct early-phase clinical research with stem cells and offer them to patients in private clinical practice. While these mechanisms appear to offer enormous opportunities for the translation of stem cell science, they may raise other ethical challenges that have not yet been fully explored. In this paper, we present an analysis of these challenges with respect to the new laws and current clinical practices with stem cell-based interventions in Japan.
Speaker: Dr. Justin Oakley
(Associate Professor in School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies, Monash University, and the former Director of Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University)
Title: Diagnosing true virtue? Remote scenarios, epistemically warranted virtue attributions, and virtuous medical practice
(本当に徳があるか判断できるか? 例外的なシナリオ、認識論的に保証された徳の帰属、有徳な医療実践について)
Abstract: Kant argues in the Foundations that remote scenarios are diagnostic of genuine virtue: “One need not be an enemy of virtue, but only a cool observer who does not confuse even the liveliest aspiration for the good with its reality, to be doubtful sometimes whether true virtue can really be found anywhere in the world. …Our concern is with actions of which perhaps the world has never had an example” (Foundations, Ak. 408-9). Kant’s suggestion that failure to show, say, courage in extraordinary circumstances necessarily silences one’s claim to have genuine courage seems to rely on an implausibly demanding standard for warranted virtue attributions. In contrast to this approach, some philosophers – such as Robert Adams and John Doris – have argued for probabilistic accounts of warranted virtue attributions. But, despite the initial plausibility of such accounts, I argue that a sole reliance on probabilistic approaches is inadequate, as they are insufficiently sensitive to considerations of credit and fault – which emerge when agents have developed various insurance strategies and protective capacities against their responding poorly to particular eventualities. I also argue that medical graduates should develop the sorts of virtuous dispositions necessary to protect patient welfare against various countervailing influences (even where such influences might be encountered only rarely), and that repeated failures to uphold the proper goals of medicine in emergency scenarios might indeed be diagnostic of whether an individual practitioner does have the relevant medical virtue. In closing, I consider the dispositions involved in friendship, in seeking to develop a principled way of determining when remote scenarios can be illuminating of genuine friendship and genuine virtue.
15:35-16:55 第2セクション
・ 文献紹介:Munévar, G. (2014). ‘Space exploration and human survival’, Space Policy 30(4): 197-201. 担当:伊勢田哲治
・ 文献紹介:Schwartz, J. S. J. (2014). ‘Prioritizing scientific exploration: A comparison of the ethical justifications for space development and for space science’, Space Policy 30(4): 202-208. 担当:伊勢田哲治
・ 文献紹介:Smith, K. C. (2014). ‘Manifest complexity: A foundational ethic for astrobiology?’, Space Policy 30(4): 209-214. 担当:清水雄也
・ 文献紹介:Kramer, W. R. (2014). ‘Extraterrestrial environmental impact assessments: A foreseeable prerequisite for wise decisions regarding outer space exploration, research and development’, Space Policy 30(4): 215-222. 担当:清水雄也
17:00-18:00 第3セクション
・ 文献紹介:Arnould, J. (2014). ‘The explorer’s complex’, Space Policy 30(4): 185-189. 担当:呉羽真
・ 文献紹介:テキスト未定(宇宙ビジネス倫理関連) 担当:杉本俊介
来る8月28日(金)にオックスフォード大学のGuy Kahane先生とTom Douglas先生をお招きし、下記の要領でセミナーを開催いたします。どなたでも自由ご参加いただけます。皆様のお越しをお待ちしています
16:20-17:00 講演3:Satoshi Kodama
Withdrawing life-sustaining treatments and the act-omission distinction
17:00-17:40 ディスカッション
Title : Laying Sleeping Beauty to Rest
Elga and others have argued that the so-called Sleeping Beauty Problem poses a challenge to Van Fraassen’s Reflection Principle. The argument rests on the assumption that conditionalization is the correct updating procedure to be used in the case: if one insists on conditionalization and the Reflection Principle, the consequence of that is less attractive than that of rejecting the Reflection Principle. I argue that general considerations of when conditionalization is appropriate show that conditionalization cannot be used in the case of Sleeping Beauty. Thus, the case does not pose a challenge to the Reflection Principle.
Title : Semantic Relationism and Relational Propositions
In Semantic Relationism, Kit Fine proposes semantic relationism, the view that semantic relationship among linguistic expressions is not reducible to their intrinsic semantic features, and combines this view with referentialism, the view that intrinsic semantic features of linguistic expressions are exhausted by their referents. In this talk, I will point out some difficulties with his account, and explore a way to overcome them by taking a radical version of semantic relationism.
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Title : Mathematical Knowing-How
In the recent literature on knowing-how, mathematical knowledge is always conceived as a kind of knowledge-that. In this talk, I challenge this assumption, and discuss the relation between knowing-how and knowing-that in mathematics. My aim is to suggest that the study of mathematical knowing-how could teach us something general on the relation between practical and theoretical knowledge.
Title : A naturalistic defense of indispensability arguments for mathematical realism
It has been argued recently by Panza and Sereni that, for any clear notion of indispensability, either there are no conclusive argument for the thesis that mathematics is indispensable to science, or the notion of indispensability at hand does not support mathematical realism. In this presentation, I shall assess critically their argument and present a refined naturalistic defense of the indispensability argument for mathematical realism.
Title : Reflective Knowledge: Knowledge Extended
Palermos and Pritchard (2013) set out an account of extended knowledge.Crucial to the authors’ account of extended knowledge is the role played by cognition. The view that they endorse is one according to which cognitive ability is necessary for knowledge, where cognitive ability is understood as producing reliable belief forming processes and is part of or has been integrated into an agent’s cognitive character. The reliability component of the condition is an epistemic externalist condition regarding justification conducive to knowledge. Such a condition by itself faces counterexamples and ignores internalist intuitions. We consider but reject Pritchard’s epistemological disjunctivism as providing a model for avoiding this danger. After setting out an account of reflection informed by Confucianism and dual-process theory, we make the case that reflective knowledge offers a superior alternative. We do so by showing that such knowledge is necessary for extended knowledge, while drawing on Sosa’s account of meta-competence. The absence of such reflective knowledge playing the role that we outline forces one to concede that extended knowledge can only yield animal knowledge or, perhaps if one denies the category of animal knowledge, no knowledge at all.
Title : Zhuangzi on Skill and the Dao
In my talk I shall give a report of some of the results I got in a paper of mine that was published several years ago*. In choosing to report these results, I mean to help to show that, if my results have any merit, doing research in Chinese philosophy in the spirit which the term “analytic Asian philosophy” may entail can be very useful. In the famous parable of Cook Ding (庖丁) in the Zhuangzi (《莊子》), Cook Ding himself links his wonderful skill of effortlessly dismembering an ox to the Dao (or the Way, 道), when, in response to the praise of his exceptional skill from Lord Wenhui, he says that “What I care about is the Way [the Dao], which goes beyond skill”. But what does skill get to do with the Dao? And in what sense does the Dao go beyond skill? The main purpose of my talk is to try to answer questions like these. For this purpose, I shall draw on fruitful discussions of the skill phenomena from both Gilbert Ryle and John Searle. Use will also be made of Aristotle’s conception of what we may call moral perception. With help from these various sources, the linkage in question and the way the Dao goes beyond skill can be shown to be making interesting and important sense. My discussion will also help to illuminate the notions of the Dao and wu-wei (effortless action, 無為).
*方萬全,〈莊子論技與道〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第六輯,香港中文大學劉笑敢主編(廣西師範大學出版社,二00九年),頁259-286。[Wan-Chuan Fang, “Zhuangzi on Skill and the Dao,” Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 6, ed., Xiao-Gan Liu (Chinese University of Hong Kong), (Guangxi, China: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2009), pp. 259-286.]
Title : Skilful Reflection as an Epistemic Virtue
We argue that skilful reflection makes a positive contribution to the epistemic status of beliefs and agents. In doing so we defend and develop previous research in which we argued that skilful reflection is an epistemic virtue. This paper starts out by making the case that reflection occupies a place of significance in both the work of Ernest Sosa and Linda Zagzebski, two leading virtue epistemologists. Nonetheless, despite the significance of reflection for both theorists, problems emerge for their views if we understand reflection in a way that maybe quite intuitive. Drawing on a Confucius conception of the reflection of a virtuous agent, we set out an alternative account of reflection. On the account we provide, type 1 and type 2 processes, processes described in dual process theory, both play a role in reflection. We then show how this account of reflection avoids the problems previously mentioned and redeems the view of reflection, albeit skilful reflection, as making a contribution to the epistemic status of beliefs and our intellectual agency.
Title : On Intellectual Virtue, Moral Virtue, Knowledge and their Relationship: A View from Zhu Xi’s Philosophy
In this essay, I try to advance a new approach to understanding the theory of investigation and knowledge in Zhu Xi’s philosophy. This approach is inspired by virtue epistemology which recently has emerged in Anglo-American philosophy. In my opinion, virtue epistemology includes three main elements: (1) the hard core, i.e. the concept of intellectual virtue; (2) a theory: defining “knowledge” and “justified belief” in terms of intellectual virtue; (3) an explanation for the relationship between intellectual virtue and moral virtue or other virtue. With respect to (2), even though Zhu Xi (朱熹, 1130-1200) himself did hold varieties of justified, rational, or warranted beliefs in his own cognitive practices, it is after all impossible that he had discussed the philosophical concept of justifiedness of a belief and formally offered a definition of “knowledge.” Therefore, this essay will focus on (1) and (3), interpret and reframe Zhu Xi’s theory of Investigation and Knowledge.
Title: The primacy of panpsychism
[1] Stoff ist Kraft (≈ being is energy).
[2] Wesen ist Werden (≈ being is becoming).
[3] Sein ist Sosein (≈ being is qual it(ativit)y.
[4] Ansichsein ist Fürsichsein (≈ being is mind).
[1]–[3] are plausible metaphysical principles and unprejudiced consideration of what we know about concrete reality obliges us to favor [4], i.e. panpsychism or panexperientialism,
above all other positive substantive proposals. This is not simply because panpsychism is the most ontologically parsimonious view, given that the existence of conscious experience is certain, and that panpsychism doesn’t posit the existence of any kind of stuff other than conscious experience. A question arises about why metaphysicians have posited the existence of so
mething for which there is zero evidence: non-experiential concrete reality. The question is the more pressing because physics with its numbers and equations is perfectly silent on the question of the intrinsic non-structural nature of reality.
Title: Consciousness and cognitive phenomenology
I am going to argue that a successful account of what makes an occurrent thought a conscious thought must appeal to phenomenological features. If this is right, a further question arises: which kind of phenomenological features? I will argue that sensory phenomenology cannot do the job, and that we cannot give an adequate account of what conscious thought is without app
ealing to what is now called ‘cognitive phenomenology’.