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来る、6月2日(火)にニース大学名誉教授Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond 氏によるCAPEレクチャーが開催されます。
Speaker:Prof. Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond
Title: Successes and limits of modern physics
Date: Jun. 2 (Tue.) 2015 18:10-19:40
Venue:京都大学吉田キャンパス 総合研究棟2号館第10演習室, Seminar Room 10 Rsearch Building No.2, Kyoto University.
http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/downlodemap/documents/2014/main-j.pdf (No.34)
Are the modern physical sciences on the verge of reaching a complete and final knowledge of the Universe, explaining all natural phenomena, including those studied by other disciplines (biology, psychology, etc.), as some believe, or, as others argue, do they meet unsurpassable limitations due to the very nature of the world according to some fundamental discoveries of the XXth century (impossibility to exceed the velocity of light, quantum uncertainty principle, etc.)?Both these pretenses seem unjustified.For, if no epistemological problem can be interpreted as signaling an intrinsic limitation of our potential knowledge, it remains true that a
reasonable view of physical science (as for any science) necessarily takes into account its borders and leads to dismiss a too optimistic reductionism. Furthermore, the present concrete conditions which rule modern scientific research (technicisation, industrialisation, etc.) restrict its long term capacities. This is especially true for physics, which, paradoxically, is ever more able to transform the world and less apt to understand it. Is this situation a temporary one? That is the question.