Yasuo Deguchi, Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2008, Ways of Dialetheist: Contradictions in Buddhism, Philosophy East and West, vol.58, n.3, pp.395-402.
Activity Realism and Parasitism of Science, 2011, 7, Proceedings of 20th Annual Meeting of Koran Society for Philosophy of Science, and East Asian Philosophy of Science Workshop, pp.367-380.
A Mountain by any Other Name: A Response to Koji Tanaka, with Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2013 (H.25), Philosophy East and West, 63-3, July, 335-43.
Two Plus One Equals One: A Response to Brook Ziporyn, with Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2013 (H.25), Philosophy East and West, 63-3, July,353-58.
The Contradictions Are True-And It’s Not Out of This World!: A Response to Takashi Yagisawa, with Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2013 (H.25), Philosophy East and West, 63-3, July, 370-72.
Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature? A Moment of Yes and No. Answer! But not in Words or Signs! A Response to Mark Siderits, with Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2013 (H.25), Philosophy East and West, 63-3, July, 387-98.
Those Concepts Proliferate Everywhere: A Response to Constance Kassor, with Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2013 (H.25), Philosophy East and West, 63-3, July, 411-16.
How We Think Madhyamikas Thinks: A Response to Tom Tillemans, with Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest, 2013 (H.25), Philosophy East and West, 63-3, July, 426-35.
共著論文 Sustainability and Fairness Simulation Based on Decision-Making Model of Utility Function and Norm Function, with Kato, T., Kudoi, Y., Miyakoshi, J., Otsuka, J., Saigo, H., Karasawa, K., Yamaguchi, H., Hiroi, Y., Applied Economics and Finance, vol.7, n.3, May 2020.
共著, Humaniora Kiotoensia: On the Centenary of Kyoto Humanities, ed. by Tetsuo Nakatsukasa, Chap. 3 of Part 1 ‘Neo-Nishitanian Dialetheic Monism: Towards a More Pluralistic View on Art and Religion’, pp. 53-77, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, 2006.
共著, Nothingness in Asian Philosophy, JeLoo Liu, and Douglas L. Barger eds., Chap 20, Nishitani on Emptiness and Nothingness, Routledge, London, 2014.6.
共編著, The Moon Points Back, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay Garfield, Graham Priest, and Koji Tanaka eds., Oxford University Press, New York, 2015.6.
共著 『わたしたちのウェルビーイングをつくりあげるために:その思想・実践・技術』, 渡邉淳司,ドミニク・チェン監修, Part 2, 2.4.3「「われわれとしての自己」とウェルビーイング」,BNN出版, 2020.
共著 What Can’t Be Said: Paradox and Contradiction in East Asian Philosophy, with Garfield, J., Priest,G., Sharf, R., Oxford University Press, 2020
共著 『Beyond Smart Life / 好奇心が駆動する社会』, 日立京大ラボ編著, 第8章「結語」, 日経BP社, 2020
“Bayesianism as a Set of Meta-criteria and Its Social Application,” Korean Journal for the Philosophy of Science vol.18, no.2 pp. 35-64, July 2015.(査読あり)
「ウィッグ史観は許容不可能か」 Nagoya Journal of Philosophy vol. 10, 4-24ページ(査読有り)
「認識論の社会化と非認識的価値」『哲學』64号 9-24ページ、2013年4月(査読無し)
“How to teach research integrity without the notion: attempts in Japan” in T. Mayer and N.Steneck eds. Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. World Scientific Pub. Co. January 2012, pp. 251-243. (査読有り)
“When is diversity within a field desirable? –a social-epistemological analysis of current American sociology–” 『哲學研究』 591号 pp.1-18 (アラビア数字ページ), 2011年4月10日(査読有り)
“How Should We Foster the Professional Integrity of Engineers in Japan? A Pride-Based Approach” , Science and Engineering Ethics vol. 14, 165-176, June 2008.(査読有り)
“Use-novelty, severity, and the systematic neglect of relevant alternatives”, in Philosophy of Science 66 (proceedings), pp. S403-S413, 1999. (査読有り)
“Scientific Rationality and the ‘Even Stronger Program'”, in AI and Society vol. 13 nos. 1&2, pp.156-163, 1999.(査読有り)
“Information ethics and its methodology: wide reflective equilibrium as a form of modest foundationalism”, in M. Mizutani and H. NIssenbaum eds. Proceedings of the First International Workshop for Foundaitons of Information Ethics pp. 54-69,1999.(査読無し)
Akabayashi A, Kodama S. Lessons from Japan’s March 2011 Earthquake Regarding Dialysis Patients. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis. 2011 Jun;15(3):334. (Letter)
Satoshi Kodama and Akira Akabayashi, “Neither a “person” nor a “thing”: The Controversy concerning the Moral and Legal Status of Human Embryos in Japan”, in Benjamin J Capps and Alastair V Campbell eds., Contested Cells: Global Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debate, London: Imperial College Press, 2010.12:421-439.
Akira Akabayashi, Satoshi Kodama, and Brian Taylor Slingsby, `Is Asian Bioethics Really the Solution?’, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, (2008.5) 17:270-272.
Misao Fujita, Satoshi Kodama & Akira Akabayashi, `Ten Years After the Organ Transplanta Act: The Current Situation in Japan’, in The Newsletter of the International Association of Bioethics (Mar 2008), 20:5.
Brian Taylor Slingsby, Satoshi Kodama, and Akira Akabayashi, `Scientific Misconduct in Japan: The Present Paucity of Oversight Policy’, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, (2006.5), 15:294-297.