CAPE Lecture / WS

CAPE Workshop/Symposium

CAPE is holding regular workshops and international conferences inviting various researchers from all over the world. These workshops and international symposiums aim to introduce and develop the latest research trend regarding applied philosophy and ethics. Also, CAPE Workshops and Symposiums, as well as CAPE Lectures, are open to public. We are promoting international exchanges and collaborative studies among researchers and human resource cultivation through these workshops.

Symposium: Ethical, legal, social and historical aspects of ageing society and end-of-life care in Japan and the Netherlands

Date & Time: 14th March 2023, from 14:00 to 18:00 JST (GMT+9)
Venue: Kyoto University School of Letters (Second floor, Lecture Room No. 3) and Online
Zoom Link:

Presenters and Titles:

Satoshi Kodama (Kyoto University) & Miho Tanaka (Japan Medical Association Research Institute):
Ethical, legal, and social aspects of ageing society and end-of-life care in Japan

Marie-José Gijsberts (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Ghent University) and Erik Olsman (Protestantse Theologische Universiteit):
People with an Intellectual Disability in the Netherlands: Ethics and Spiritual Care

Atsushi Asai (Tohoku University):
Voluntary assisted dying in present-day Japan and urgent need for the discussion and dialogue

Joep van de Geer (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen):
Developing Compassionate Communities in the Netherlands

CAPE 10th Anniversary Conference

Date:December 8th (Thur.) 14:00~18:00
Place:Lecture Room 3, Faculty of Letters Main Building, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University. (No.8 of map)
 ※If you wish to join this symposium on line, please register here.
Host:Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE), Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University


14:00~14:50: “Collective accountability, social ontology and the totalitarian state”, Prof. Rein Raud (Tallinn University)

15:00~15:50: “Slaves to the algorithms? Algocracy and republican liberty”, Prof. Robert Sparrow (Philosophy, and ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision Making and Society, Monash University)

16:00~16:50: “RNA Therapeutics: Ethical, Social and Regulatory Aspects”, Prof. Catherine Mills (Monash Bioethics Centre)

17:00~18:00:CAPE 10th Anniversary Round-table Talk: Past and Future
Speaker: Masahiko Mizutani, Tetsuji Iseda, Satoshi Kodama
Chairman: Yasuo Deguchi

Collective accountability, social ontology and the totalitarian state (Prof. Rein Raud)

Recent theories of the accountability of citizens for crimes committed by their state (Anna Stilz, Avia Pasternak) stress that such accounts can only be developed for democratic countries, where the citizens have a say in what the government does. However, the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war and the issues surrounding it (for example, the legitimacy of a tourist visa ban for all Russian nationals) have raised with some urgency the problem of how to discuss collective accountability in a totalitarian state. When we look at the philosophical discourses enframing contemporary Russia, we discover their remarkable resemblance to certain debates held in the 1930s and 1940s in Japan and the Kyoto school of philosophy in particular. I will argue that the social ontology devised by Tanabe Hajime and Mutai Risaku can help us to put this debate into a broader context, especially in comparison with contemporary theories of collective subjectivity (notably Raimo Tuomela). My talk will comparatively analyse these theories and present a tentative sketch of an account of collective accountability for the citizens of totalitarian states on their basis.

Slaves to the algorithms? Algocracy and republican liberty (Prof. Robert Sparrow)

Increasingly, governments are relying on artificial intelligence to make, or inform, important decisions. In this paper I turn to republican political theory to evaluate the prospect of, what John Danaher has styled, “algocracy” and, in particular, the threat it might pose to the liberty of citizens. Republicanism implies that there are at least four different reasons to be concerned about government by AI. First, decisions made using AI will often be impossible for citizens to contest because the reasons for the decisions will be inscrutable, which calls into question the legitimacy of these decisions. Second, the inability of citizens to contest the outcomes of government decisions made using AI and/or the justification for the use of AI will render these arbitrary and inimical to liberty on a republican account. Third, overreliance on AI is likely to undermine civic virtues that are necessary to the defence of liberty. Fourth, AI is such a powerful technology that it may free governments from any fear of revolution. If we wish to benefit from the use of AI in government without sacrificing liberty, we must: ensure that decisions made by AI can be publicly contested; investigate ways to mitigate the impact of algocracy on the political culture of democracies; and resist the temptation to develop AI for applications that would grant governments too much power over their citizens. These are difficult challenges and in practice, I suggest, the use of AI in government poses a significant threat to liberty.

RNA Therapeutics: Ethical, Social and Regulatory Aspect (Prof. Catherine Mills)

The field of RNA therapeutics is set to disrupt the development, regulation and provision of medicinal interventions to prevent or treat disease. The best known example of an RNA-based intervention is the COVID-19 vaccines, but also includes highly specific cancer vaccines and other treatments for ultra-rare genetic diseases. In this paper, I discuss some of the ethical, social and regulatory implications of this disruptive field, focusing on questions of entrepreneurialism, equity and the potential development of truly personalised medicine.

CAPE Workshop: Possibilities of Southeast Asian Philosophy II

Date: July 29th (Mon.) 4:00pm-6:00pm
Place: UKIHSS II, 4th floor of Bldg.7 of this map)

16:00-17:00 Prof. Decha Tangseefa (Associate Professor of Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University) “Past, Present, Danger”
17:00-18:00 Prof. Kasem Phenpinant (Dean of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkom University) “Deflective Democracy: Thailand after Election”

Prof. Decha Tangseefa “Past, Present, Danger”
Ten years ago, the English version of my research on violence in Thailand’s deep south was published, entitled “Reading ‘Bureaucrat Manuals,’ Writing Cultural Space: The Thai State’s Cultural Discourses & the Thai-Malay In-between Spaces.” The article’s last paragraph invokes Walter Benjamin’s conception of history. Ten years after, picking up on where I left off in that publication, my Thai article – entitled “Past Present Danger” – elaborates on some key strands of Benjamin’s theoretico-philosophical concerns. It aims to present an alternative method for contemplating on violence in political society, especially that which relates to marginal people. Based on this latest article, this talk’s narrative is fourfold. The first three parts will discuss a series of interrelated problematiques by beginning with the intertwining relations of history, time, and the marginal. The second and the third articulate two sets of problematiques in Benjamin’s oeuvre. They are historiography, danger, and “the oppressed,” on the one hand, and cairo-logic, the “now-time,” and the Copernican revolution, on the other. The talk will end with a reflexive remark on what I name “death of the marginal?”

Prof. Kasem Phenpinant “Deflective Democracy: Thailand after Election”
Since the Thai junta leader returned to power as the prime minister after the general election, the current political situation has been entering a new crisis of democracy, along with the junta masquerading as a legitimate regime. Rather than ensuring stability, Thai politics confronts a new struggle over power, involving parliament, coalition government, and even military intervention. It entails a form of deflective democracy, that is, a regime of political power diminishes the functioning of democratic principles and institutions designed to guarantee democratic values. Deflective democracy occurs, when non-elected elites gain power over the elected representatives. It tends to form a parallel between authoritarian government and democratic decay.

Co-hosted by
– Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
– Unit of Kyoto Initiatives for the Humanities and Social Sciences
– Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics, Kyoto University

An International Workshop on ‘Self: From Asia and Beyond’

Date:June 19th 3:00pm-6:00pm
Place:UKIHSS II, 4th floor of Bldg.7 of this map)

15:00-16:00 Prof. Mark Siderits (Seoul National University) “Subjectivity without a Subject? Buddhist Self- vs. Other-Illumination Perspectives”
16:00-17:00 Prof. Yumiko Inukai (University of Massachusetts) “Cognitive and Affective Accounts of the Self in Hume”
17:00-18:00 Prof. Mickaella Perina (University of Massachusetts)“Self and Others, Self and World: Difference, Relationality and Opacity”

Prof. Mark Siderits “Subjectivity without a Subject? Buddhist Self- vs. Other-Illumination Perspectives”
Those who deny the existence of a self must answer the following question: if it only appears as though there is a self, to what does it so appear? Some Buddhist non-self theorists tried to answer this question by claiming that every cognition has two aspects—an object-aspect and a subject-aspect. To the objection that the subject-aspect sounds suspiciously like a self (as the subject of experience), these Buddhists replied that the two aspects of a cognition are strictly speaking one. The result was a theory of cognition according to which the content of a conscious mental state is self-illuminating. Other Buddhists criticized this account on various grounds. In my talk I want to explore the prospects of the alternative other-illumination theory, according to which a mental state is conscious only insofar as its content is available for processing by other mental states. Would this make us all zombies? And are Buddhas really Robo-Buddhas?

Prof. Yumiko Inukai “Cognitive and Affective Accounts of the Self in Hume”
Most discussions of Hume’s views of the self focus on 1.4.6, “Of personal identity.” This section is the only section in A Treatise of Human Nature in which Hume offers an extensive discussion of the self. In that section, interestingly, Hume makes a distinction between two ways of dealing with the problem of personal identity: “as it regards our thought or imagination, and as it regards our passions or the concern we take in ourselves” (T He discusses the former in Book 1, and the latter in Book 2. Hume clearly thinks that personal identity can be explained from two different perspectives. However, some might argue that there is inconsistency, or at least a gap, between his skeptical conclusion about the self reached in Book One and his appeal to the awareness of the self in his accounts of passions in Book Two. In this talk, I argue that the two views of the self in Book 1 and Book 2 are not inconsistent at all. The former is a minimal form of the self, the persisting self, and the latter, with the existence of the persisting self in place, arises with particular characters, sentiments, and narratives. I call Hume’s account of the self in Book 2 a “flesh and blood” account, because the self that emerges in Book 2 is not just a being with continuous existence (Book 1) but a particular, concrete individual that performs certain actions and has particular sentiments and characters.

Prof. Mickaella Perina “Self and Others, Self and World: Difference, Relationality and Opacity”
The concept of relation is central to conceptions of the self in Caribbean thought in general, and in Francophone/French Caribbean thought in particular. In this tradition identity is often conceived of as articulated to the other’s difference and the intricacies of subjective identification are understood in light of the Caribbean experience of colonization and creolization. This presentation addresses several debates regarding the existence of the self with an emphasis on relational conceptions of the self, the unity of the self (and threat to it), and opacity to others and to oneself.

An International Round Table Discussion on Self

Date & Time:13:00-14:30, Friday, January 11th, 2018
Venue:Small conference room in the basement, Faculty of Letters Main Building, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University. (No.8 of this map)
Prof. Yumiko INUKAI (University of Massachusetts, Boston),
Prof. Yasuo DEGUCHI (Kyoto University),
Ms. Laÿna Droz (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University)

Kyoto Workshop on Self I


Kyoto Workshop on Self I
Date and Time: 9:00-17:15, Tuesday, December 18th, 2018
Venue: 京都大学楽友会館1階会議室(No.96 of this map)

09:00–10:30 Denis McManus (University of Southampton) “TBA”
10:30–10:45 Coffee
10:45–12:15 Hibi Pendleton (Colgate University) “Ideals and Self-Clarification: Developing Iris Murdoch’s Concept of Vision”
12:15–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:30 Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto University) “Self-as-We: From Entrustment of Somatic Agency to a Holistic Self”
15:30–15:45 Coffee
15:45–17:15 Graham Priest (CUNY) “Fictional Objects Fictional Subjects”

What’s So Bad about Dialetheism? From Historical, Logical and Philosophical Points of View

Web Site:

What’s So Bad about Dialetheism? From Historical, Logical and Philosophical Points of View

December 15th: Logic
Venue:京都大学楽友会館1階会議室(No.96 of this map)
09:30–09:45 Opening of the conference
09:45–10:00 Anna Malavisi (Western Connecticut State University) “Beyond the limits of dialetheism”
10:00–11:30 Zach Weber (University of Otago) “Under the Routley Set”
11:30–12:30 Luis Estrada-González (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) “Dialetheists and other friends of contradictions”
12:30–14:00 Lunch
14:00–15:00 Colin Caret (Yonsei University) “Transconsistent Possibilities”
15:00–16:00 Roderic A Girle (University of Queensland) “Free logic and dialethic domains”
16:00–16:30 Coffee break
16:30–18:00 Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr University Bochum) “One heresy and one orthodoxy. On dialetheism and the non-normativity of logic”

December 16th: Metaphysics
Venue:京都大学芝蘭会館研修室1(Access information
09:00–10:30 Ricki Bliss (Lehigh University) “Reading Nagarjuna in New York”
10:30–11:30 Paolo Bonardi (University of Geneva) “Dialetheism and Rational Belief”
11:30–13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:00 Naoya Fujikawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Paraempty names and the strengthened paradox of ineffability”
14:00–15:00 Koji Tanaka (Australian National University) “One or many?”
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–17:00 Achille Varzi (Columbia University) “Boundary Contradictions”

December 17th: History
Venue:京都大学芝蘭会館研修室1(Access information
09:30–11:00 Denis McManus (University of Southampton) “Heidegger, dialetheism and all that is: On paradoxes, and questions, of being”
11:00–12:00 Francesco Gandellini (University of Turin) “Heidegger’s Metaphysics between Consistencies and Inconsistencies”
12:00–13:45 Lunch
13:45–15:15 Ed Witherspoon (Colgate University) “Later Wittgenstein on the Determinacy of Meaning and the Unity of Thought”
15:15–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–17:00 Graham Priest (CUNY) “A Logue”

Public Workshop ‘
Hate Speech: International Perspectives in and for Asian Region’

Date and Time: Sat. 15 Dec. 2018, 13:00-17:00
Venue: Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Machikaneyama Kaikan, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University

13:00-13:50 Dr. Yu IZUMI 和泉 悠 (Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan 南山大学) ‘The Semantics of “Dojin”: A Philosophy of Language Approach to
 Ethnic Slurs‘
14:00-14:50 Dr. Kanit SIRICHAN カニット・シリチャン (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand チュラロンコン大学)
 ‘What is the Content of Hate Speech?’
15:00-15:50 Dr. Ryogo YANAGIDA 柳田亮吾 (Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 大阪大学)
 ‘Hate Speech and (Im)politeness’
16:00-17:00 Discussion 共同討議
* Time schedule of presentation includes 30 minutes for the presenter’s talk and 20 minutes for questions and answers for each speaker.

Kyoto University/UC San Diego Workshop on Self

Date: December 13, 2018
Time: 12:15-16:00
Venue: 京都大学吉田泉殿 Yoshida-Izumidono, Kyoto University (No. 76 of this map)

12:15-12:30 Opening
12:30-13:00 Takuro Onishi (Associate Professor, Kyoto University):
Egocentric Language Revisited
13:00-13:30 Matthew Fulkerson (Associate Professor, UCSD):
Integrating the Self: Lessons from Peripersonal Space
13:30-14:00 Yumiko Inukai (Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston): A Constructed Self and Pure Experience in James
14:00-14:20 Break
14:20-14:50 Jonathan Cohen (Professor, UCSD): Many Molyneux Questions
14:50-15:20 Yasuo Deguchi (Professor, Kyoto University): Entrustment and Distribution of Somatic Agency: An Observation on Self, Part II
15:20-15:50 John Evans (Professor, UCSD): The Soul and the Self in Contemporary U.S. Society: William James 100 Years Later
15:50-16:00 Closing

Kyoto-Bruxelles Joint Workshop on Self

Date: 22nd November, 2018
Time: 13:00-17:00
Venue: Meeting Room on the 1st floor of Faculty of Letters Main Bldg, Kyoto University (No.8 of this map

13:00-13:45 Roman Paşca (Kanda University of International Studies)
13:45-14:30 Takeshi Morisato (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
14:30-15:15 Pierre Bonneels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-16:15 Sylvie Peperstraete (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
16:15-17:00 Baudouin Decharneux (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Making Sense Of: A Workshop with and about Adrian Moore

Date: 29th July 2018
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Yoshida-Izumidono, West Campus, Kyoto University. (No. 76 of this map

Speakers: Ryo Ito (9:00-10:00), Naoya Fujikawa (10:00-11:00), Shinichi Takagi (11:00-12:00), Hitoshi Omari (14:00-15:00), Chi-Yen Liu (15:00-16:00), Yuuki Ohta (16:00-17:00)
* Professor Moore will give feedback to each presentation about his philosophy.

Contact: Takuro Onishi, Filippo Casati

11th International Conference on Applied Ethics (Dec 15-16, 2018, at Kyoto)

Call for Papers:
The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics
‘Science, Technology, and Future Generations’
December 15-16 (Sat-Sun), 2018
Hosted by the Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University

We are pleased to announce that the 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics will be held on December 15-16, 2018, at Kyoto University, hosted by the Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE) (

Invited speakers include:
Samuel Scheffler (New York University)
Philip Brey (University of Twente)
Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Tony Milligan (King’s College London)

We encourage paper proposals on the conference theme, but welcome other topics in the following areas (the below-listed ones are some of the examples, not exhaustive);
bioethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, intergenerational ethics, business ethics, information ethics, research ethics, animal ethics, food ethics, international ethics, war/military ethics, professional ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of technology

We also welcome panel proposals (3 papers for a 90-minute session).
Participants who wish to present papers are requested to submit a 300 word abstract with your personal details (name, job title, and affiliation) in a MS-Word file (.doc) to by May 13 (Sun), 2018.

Conference fees:
The basic registration fee required of all presents and attendees (including refreshments on the 15th and 16th) is 5,000 JPY for faculty members and post-docs; 2,000 JPY for students.
The optional conference dinner on the 15th is 5,000 JPY for faculty members and post-docs; 3,500 JPY for students.
We will announce how to pay the conference fee soon.

Accommodation: There are a wide range of accommodations available in Kyoto and its surrounding areas. Be advised that winter in Kyoto is a high season for sightseeing. Since room availability will be limited, it is important to book early both to save money and ensure a spot.

On Kyoto: Kyoto is a world-famous, fascinating city in Japan with a long history. For further details, please check the below-pasted URL:

All queries should be sent to

Conference Chair: Masahiko Mizutani (Director and Professor of CAPE, Kyoto University)
Coordinator: Shunzo Majima (Associate Professor, Hiroshima University)

The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics is hosted by CAPE, and co-hosted by the following five institutions/research groups (in alphabetical order);
Applied Ethics Center for Engineering and Science, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
Hiroshima University Project Research Center for Applied Ethics
Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics
Project Innovative Ethics, Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University
The University of Tokyo Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law

Prof. Jeremy Gray lecture ‘The philosophy of Hermann Weyl’

Date: Monday, April 2nd, 2018
Time: 16:30-18:00
Venue: Large conference room in the basement, Faculty of Letters Main Building, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University. (No. 8 )
Speaker: Prof. Jeremy Gray教授 (The Open University, University of Warwick)

Title: The philosophy of Hermann Weyl
By 1910, the year he turned 25, Weyl was developing a finitist philosophy of mathematics, based on a logical theory of relations. He also believed that the human mind can understand ideas only sequentially. He developed this approach on his book The Continuum (1918), and for a time came close to agreeing with Brouwer’s intuitionism, but he abandoned them in the mid-1920s when he became involved in exploring the theory of Lie groups. He then had to turn back towards Hilbert’s ideas about mathematics and physics, and developed his own theory of what he called the symbolic universe in which mathematics and physics supported each other in complementary ways. Weyl sought a unified philosophy that would govern not only his scientific practice but be rooted in a theory of knowledge and an understanding of how it is acquired.

About Prof. Jeremy Gray:
Jeremy Gray is an Emeritus Professor of The Open University and an Honorary Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Warwick. His research interests are in the history of mathematics, specifically the history of algebra, analysis, and geometry, and mathematical modernism in the 19th and early 20th Centuries. The work on mathematical modernism links the history of mathematics with the history of science and issues in mathematical logic and the philosophy of mathematics.

He was awarded the Otto Neugebauer Prize of the European Mathematical Society in 2016 for his work in the history of mathematics, and the Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize of the American Mathematical Society in 2009 for his contributions to the study of the history of modern mathematics internationally. In 2012 he was elected an Inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society. In 2010 he was one of the nine founder members of the Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (APMP).

He is the author of eleven books, of which among the most recent are Plato’s Ghost: The Modernist Transformation of Mathematics (Princeton U.P. 2008), Henri Poincaré: a scientific biography (Princeton 2012), and The Real and the Complex (Springer 2015). Two more books are to be published in 2018: Under the Banner of Number: A History of Abstract Algebra, by Springer, and Simply Riemann in the Simply Charly series of e-books.

Please check here about a series of lectures.

CAPE Workshop: What is Blame, and Why it Matters — Philosophy of Free Will, Moral Responsibility, and Blame

DAY 1: Thursday, August 4th, 2016
14:45-15:30 Sho Yamaguchi: Consideration on Frankfurt Examples
15:30-15:45 Brief Discussion on Yamaguchi’s Lecture
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:15 Justin Coates: Introduction to Philosophy of Blame
17:15-17:30 Brief Discussion on Coates’ Lecture
17:30-18:00 General Discussion

DAY 2: Friday, August 5th, 2016
14:45-15:30 Sho Yamaguchi: Spinoza’s Ethics without Blame and Praise
15:30-15:45 Brief Discussion on Yamaguchi’s Lecture
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:15 Justin Coates: What Is Blame? Why Does It Matter?
17:15-17:30 Brief Discussion on Coates’ Lecture
17:30-18:00 General Discussion

自由意志と道徳的責任の問題は——粗っぽい言い方だが——哲学者および倫理学者が長らく気にしてきた事柄です。とはいえ、近年のいわゆる「自由意志と道徳的責任の哲学」においては、注目すべき関心の変化が存します。それは、「非難(blame)」という現象への関心が増大する、という変化です。だがここで言う「非難」とは何か、そしてなぜそれは問題なのか。こうした基本的な問いへ答えることをひとつの目標として、本ワークショップでは、近年出版された非難の哲学の優れたアンソロジー(*)の編者のひとりであるジャスティン・コーツ氏(ヒューストン大学・Assistant Professor)が、非難の哲学に関する入門的な講義を行なうと同時に、氏自身の立場も展開します。またオーガナイザーである山口尚(京都大学・非常勤講師)も自由意志・道徳的責任・非難をめぐる哲学的問題、すなわちいわゆるフランクファート事例に関する問題とスピノザの『エチカ』に関する問題を論じます。入門に触れたい方も、踏み込んだ論点を考察したい方も、奮ってご参加ください。なお、本ワークショップは、発表、質疑応答ともすべて英語で行われます。
(*) Coates, D. Justin, and Neal Tognazzini (eds.), 2013. Blame: Its Nature and Norms, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

CAPE Workshop: Practical Ethics Seminar




13:30-14:10 Talk1: Prof. Guy Kahane
14:10-14:50 Group Discussion

14:50-15:00 Break

15:00-15:40 Talk2: Prof. Tom Douglas
15:40-16:20 Group Discussion

16:20-17:00 Talk3: Satoshi Kodama
Withdrawing life-sustaining treatments and the act-omission distinction
17:00-17:40 Group Discussion

CAPE Workshop on Philosophical Semantics

About CAPE
Message from the Director
Applied Philosophy
International Cooperation
Yasuo Deguchi
Tetsuji Iseda
Satoshi Kodama
Daisuke Kaida
Kenji Ito
Michael Campbell
Steering Committee
CAPE Lecture / WS
CAPE Lecture
Environmental Ethics
Information Ethics
Research Ethics
Experimental Philosophy
Robot Philosophy
Space Ethics
Analytic Asian Philosophy
Business Ethics
Education / Outreach
Publishing Project
Research Achievement